26: She is not dead...yet

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I could see the rage in Seri's eyes. In that instant I felt like the biggest asshole in the world. Something inside me told me that she was about to say the three words I've been dying to hear from her, but of course with our luck, something had to happen.

It wasn't until my eyes shifted between her and the figure standing in the doorway that realization lit Seri's eyes. She sniffed and tensed. Turning her head she locked eyes with Emma and let out a loud growl.

"How the fuck did you get out?!" she roared as she jumped from the bed. Within seconds she had Emma pinned against the door frame. Something wasn't right.

Yeah, Seri was faster and stronger than most guys but it was as if Emma wanted her to attack. She didn't make a move to stop her or escape. She had the perfect opportunity to attack while Seri and I were so engrossed in each other but instead she just stood there and waited to be seen.

Emma just laughed, a wicked smirk graced her face as she choked out, "You really should pay more attention. He's made you weak!"

With that a massive wall of a...man? He looked like a man but there was something about him that was not human, stepped into the space between me and Seri. His pale white features shifted between a sharp jaw line and high cheek bones to a shadow of black and what looked to be spikes. His eyes going from a deep brown, nearly black to a crimson glowing red.

"Malphas." Was all Seri was able to say before he gripped the top of her collar and flung her backwards. As soon as his hand left the material of her shirt I was stepping forward, ready to catch her.

The force she hit me with had both of us falling back. I stumbled to keep my footing and thankfully the wall caught us. I knew I didn't want to take my eyes off this person standing in front of us.

"Harry, run!" Seri screamed as she pushed off me and shifted midair. This was the first time her shift was instantaneous. I could hear her thoughts and knew that the danger standing in front of us had her wolf on edge, the need to protect me was too great to allow her the time she needed to shift at a slower pace.

I could also hear and feel the pain her new body was suffering from now. The shift was too fast, her bones and organs didn't have the time needed to sort themselves out before she was full wolf. I wanted to run to her, to make sure she was ok but her screaming voice in my head was telling me to run.

'Harry, please run! I can't let him take you from me!' She pleased with me but I stood my ground. I wasn't going anywhere without her.

'No! Let me help, tell me what to do!' I didn't know if I couldn't help much but it was worth a try and certainly better than running away, and leaving the person I love to fend for herself.

Suddenly everything went quiet, I couldn't hear Seri anymore but I knew she was still mentally screaming her head off at me. I looked at her, trying to knock down the wall that was just put up in my mind and find my way back to the connection with Seri.

'He's going to take her, Harry. You need to allow him to take her and...you.'


'Yes, now listen to me, dammit! Let him take you both of you, I'm not far behind so I can track you. We need to know where he's going. If we can end him, we can end all of this and you can be with her.'

End all of this. Be with her.

Those were the only words running through my head. He could find us and help Seri take care of this...whatever he was. We could stop all of this and I could have her, no more worrying about what's coming and no more of her worrying about keeping me safe.

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