34: You little sh*t!

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I was beyond shocked to see Titan lunge at Everett, his fangs digging into his skin as black goo oozed down his shirt.

‘Harry, shift! He’s coming and I take him on myself’ Titan’s words sounded in my head.

I turned to stare at June who was just as shocked as I was. The look on her face telling me that she didn’t know what to do at the moment.

It was Everett’s screams that brought me back to what was happening. He was trying his best to get his dad off him but wasn’t able to get a hold of him as he turned and pinned Everett on the ground, face down.

“You stupid mutt, you’ve upset my plans. No matter, I will kill you soon enough.” A clam voice echoed through the forest. It was Drakius.

What I couldn’t understand was why he wasn’t here yet and why Titan had Everett by the throat. It just didn’t make sense. Everything around me didn’t makes sense and I was learning to just to with it but this was too much. I didn’t know who I could trust and who I couldn’t.

‘Harry, please! I know how it looks but I need you to trust me….please!’

Titan pleaded with me and once again I found myself looking to June. Kale and Zee had trusted her, I had to trust her too. She was the last person…creature, I had left.

“Listen to him Harry.” Was all she said as she turned around and surveyed the area.

Doing as asked, I shifted. I left my instincts take over and found that I could see a blackness spreading over the woods surrounding us. A blanket of dark smoke, still unseen by the others, was slowly making its way round the line of trees and brushes in the small opening we were in.

‘Show him!’ Titan growled as his grip on Everett got tighter. I could see the pupils of his eyes starting to grow, covering the white as a flicker of images played in my head.

It was me throughout the years but in the back ground, where no one could see, was Seri. Hiding watching over me, a smile playing on her lips as she stood by and watched. Everett played in the most of the images as a bystander, a normal kid playing with his friends as I played with mine. Yet I could see, now, just how much he was actually able to see.

He never let on that he could see her and she never seemed to take notice of him. As time went on the images grew more and more intimate.  Like Seri, Everett hid like a back drop in the visions but, again, no one noticed him.

Finally the day I first met Seri at school played and I felt my heart lurch at the memories. I missed her and seeing her once again from a new set of eyes was unnerving. I could feel what he felt as his hands roamed her small frame, a hatred that lingered in his thoughts as he pushed her up against her car, the locker, and the bleachers.

What really got me were the times when she was alone, at home or near my place watching me. He was with her nearly every moment. As soon as the memory of her and I lying in bed played I knew he was there to share almost all of our personal moments. Relief hit me as he was unaware of what had passed between us during our time in her head.

That was the only comfort I had. Knowing no one would know exactly what was shared between Seri, Zaffre and I before they died. It didn’t help though that he was now showing me his personal time away from spying on her and us.

Visions of him staring at Drakius and waiting for his next command played. I could hear everything that passed through them and felt my blood boil when he told him how to get past her line of protection and when I would be there.

It was him!

He was the one who sold us out! Everything that Seri had feared, the insider that was close enough to know what was going on, was him. What made it so much worse was the knowledge of how he did this without a second thought of his father.

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