33: I can't let him take you

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I suppose finding out you have hundreds of aunts and uncles should be shocking, but really, I hadn’t thought about it. The only thing I was thinking about was danger that June had come to warn Zee about.


 The name seemed familiar but I couldn’t place where I had heard it. I raked my brain for the answer when suddenly a flash of memory popped up. I could feel Zee, who was standing beside, reach in and pull the memory to the front.

I would have been upset at him for doing so, for going into my thoughts and my memories, but I knew it would’ve taken ages to remember on my own. I sent him a knowing smile and felt him leave my head.

“What do you mean he’s rising?” I asked, I was pretty sure what that meant but I wanted to double check…just to be safe.

“Well, in actuality, he’s already risen. He’s topside…and he’s coming for you, Harry.” June said while giving me a sympathetic look.

Just as I was about to speak a deep thunder of a voice came from the hallway.

“Correction, my dear, I’m already here.”

Spinning around I was met with a slightly tall man, he may have stood an inch or so shorter than I, with the greyest eyes I had ever seen. They would have been beautiful had it not been for the pure evil shining through, there was something about his straight nose and tight jaw line that would draw anyone’s attention yet the way he held himself was menacing.

It was as if you were looking at both an angel and devil all at once. His face pleasing to any eye yet….if you looked too closely, you could see the wicked glint in his eyes that told of pain and torture if you allowed him a second glance.

This…thing…was nothing more than death promised while he strung you up and slowly pealed your skin away. Your screams would be music to his ears and he would find it entertaining to see you beg for the end long before he gave your wish.

I could feel his blackness seeping in my head as he opened my thoughts to himself. Finding my assessment of him, not only truthful, but also amusing.

“Quite right you are, young one, and soon, you too will see how much fun that can be.”

My blood ran cold as he stalked forward towards me. Stopping on when Zee came to stand in front of me.

“Come any closer and I will end you.” The fiery behinds Zee’s voice had me backing away in fear.

Things at this moment slowed and it was as if someone played the next events in slow motion.

The front door was slammed open from Kale barging through as Drakius turned, raising one arm to grab her by the throat whilst his other hand reached forward, breaking the skin of her chest, and pulling out a charcoaled color organ. Dropping her limp body to the floor as Zee leaped forward with her name on his lips, dropping to his knees in front of her lifeless body.

He didn’t have time to react as a Drakius pulled a blade swiftly from behind his back and with a quick blow, Zee’s head was separated from his body. A bright light coming from the wound as he, too, fell. His body joining Kales as a silent scream came from somewhere behind me.

I didn’t bother to turn, I couldn’t. I was frozen in my spot, staring at my parents dead bodies. I couldn’t believe how much it hurt to see them this way. I had known them for such a short period of time but the physical pain that accompanied their deaths was nearly as painful as losing Seri and Zaffre.

A soft but firm hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me with such a force I stumbled backwards. I wanted to go to them. To hold them and tell them no matter what, I was their son and I was grateful for the life I had even if it didn’t include them. That I understood why they never came for me and that I wasn’t angry about it.

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