15: I'm human!

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Seri's POV:

I sat there on the hill, waiting, just waiting. I knew he liked it here. "It's my way of being closer to Him." He'd once told me, centuries before.

I wasn't sure why I was here but I was tired of all the games and bullshit. I must be bat shit if I'm seeking him out for help. I thought to myself.

"Or maybe you know I'm the only one who can help, hound." His voice rang out, clear and crisp. With a heavy sigh I stood and faced him. Taking in his appearance. He was certainly was a creature of God. His dark brown, nearly black hair cut to finger length and combed back neatly. His black eyes stood out against the sharpness of his defined cheek bones.

Everything about him was beautiful, from his way his body was toned and muscular to the sound of his voice. If I was a mere human, I'd give both my arms just to get his attention. "Lucky for you, you're not." Stepping closer to me, he chuckled.

"So you can keep your arms today, old friend." He said as I raised a brow to him, "Landon, I thought we agreed to stay out of each other's thoughts." I stated more than questioned but the warning tone in my voice told him to keep out.

"We did, didn't we...tell me again why that was?" The smirk I once adored now made me cringe, he knew my weakness and played on them frequently.
"After you got what you wanted there was no reason for you to be in my head and I was tired of hearing all your disgusting thoughts about me."

My jaw clenched as I tried to calm myself, I needed answers and I could only get them if I didn't rip off his pretty wings followed by his head. "I still make you flustered. How about it, Seri? A quick go for old times?" He laughed at his joke but the seriousness in his voice and the mental image of me laying under him, moaning while he buried himself between my legs, told me it wasn't.

"Sure, tell you what...you work on getting it up," I purred which quickly turned to a growl, "while I go find Zekiel so he can cut it off!" The look on his perfectly chiseled face was priceless.

"Z-Zekiel? You found him?!" spinning his head from side to side, making sure no one else joined our little chat. I knew I had to stop antagonizing him if I wanted my answer but it was so hard. After everything he did to me, I wanted nothing more than to hand him over to Zekiel.

"Relax, he's not here...and no, HE found me. It was a few decades after I trimmed your wings but he was quite interested in you." I smirked knowing I was getting the best of him.

"Give me what I want, Landon, and I'll keep him away for as long as I can. I just need one answer." I begged, I hated that I was dealing with him but I was running out of options here.

"Fine but you won't like it." Waiting for him to continue but he liked having me here more than he would admit so he was playing with me, dragging out this small conversation. "Landon..." I warned.

"Leave. Leave him and go back. Let Titan and his twit of an off spring take care of this. The longer you stay the sooner you'll become one of them, tell me you don't feel it already?" I sighed. He was right, I could feel it but I couldn't leave. Not only because of my growing feelings for Harry but also because I had to see this through. I had to redeem myself.

"Once he knows truth, he'll destroy you. Are you prepared for that?" he asked before his disappeared.

I wasn't ready for it.

I wasn't ready to leave Harry, I wasn't ready for the truth to come out and I certainly wasn't ready for the stream of tears that flowed from my eyes thinking about everything. If things went wrong I could lose him to the dark or to death but worst of all I lost him to hate. Hate for me for the things I've done.

Harry's POV:

I finally spotted her at the top of a large hill just outside of town. She was sitting there, head in her hands, shaking from the tears that were streaming down her face. I could tell she sensed me when I got to the bottom of the hill but made no effort to move or run.

The feel of her calming my headache and the warmth that spread throughout my body told me she knew I was near. As I finally got close enough to hear her sobs, a wave sadness washed over me.

I'd give anything to take her pain away, to make her happy and see that bright smile that made her blue eyes shine. It wasn't the same as when she was a wolf but the faint glow could still be seen making her eyes look like tiny sapphires.

"Shhh, it's ok." I said sitting beside her and pulling her to my lap. It felt so familiar, this wasn't the first time she was in this position but it was the first time she wasn't pretending to be vulnerable. "I'm sorry about what I said, I didn't mean it. I-I just got angry, I felt like I didn't get a choice in something so simply as that. I'm sorry." I trailed off to whisper, still holding her close.

"It's fine, I didn't mean what I said either. I'm just not use to...I don't understand why I have these feelings and how they work." She gave me a weak smile but I could see the difficultly she had admitting that.

"Titan said you're not use to feeling certain things?" I didn't want to upset her but I was so curious about that.

"Remind me to have a 'talk' with Titan when we return." she said through gritted teeth, "but yes...he's right. I-I've only experienced human emotions once before, after I was made hound, it was very long time ago. It didn't last long and after...I cut myself off from the emotional side of my body. It's easier when I'm not on earth." She looked at me, gauging my reaction.

"Come on." She said pulling me up with her as she rose to her feet when I didn't speak. "Where are we going?" frowning my brows as I asked.

"To mine, tonight can we just pretend to be normal 18 year olds? Have a normal evening? We'll finish our talk tomorrow."


"So, I take it you don't live with your parents." I say as we pulled up the little gobble stone driveway. The small cottage was something out of a fairytale, the pale blue stone walls had vines crawling up the sides with small purple and yellow flowers blooming around the entrance.

"They can if that makes you more comfortable..." she looked at me nervously then back to the house.

"Wait, what? You mean you actually have parents?" I was shocked, I had assumed that she lived alone and all the teenage normalness she tried to display was all a ruse. It was until her musical giggle interrupted my train of thought.

"No, but I make some if you want. Well...kind of. Come on I'll explain inside." She said as she turned off the engine.

Opening the front door, it was not how I expected the inside to look. The hallway leading in was normal, white walls with bench for our shoes and a coat rack hung from the wall but once you walked through the second door leading into the others rooms of house it was completely different .

The walls were a sunset yellow which contrasted well with the all black suede couches, coffee table and plush pearl white carpet. A huge flatscreen hung on the mantle just above the small fireplace. In the far left corner of the room stood from floor to ceiling, a large bookshelf filled with books. The light coming in from the bay windows brightened everything, giving it a warm homey feeling.

"Do you want something to drink?" Seri asked as she made her way into the kitchen. I followed behind, taking in the new room. It was rather small but the center island with cherry stained cabinets was breath talking against the yellow of the walls. The marble countertops were smooth and held solid black appliances.

"Not what you expected?" her brows furrowed as she looked around. "No, not at all. But I like it. It suites you." I gave her a warm smile as she put the kettle on. There was no table, just three black, high backed kitchen bar stools. Pulling one out, I took a seat and watched as Seri rushes around the kitchen.

"Sweetie, we're home!" a woman's voice rang out. My head snapped up to see a beautiful blonde lady in her early 40's standing there holding a briefcase, her white dress was knee length paired with a black heels. In behind her followed a tall, well-built man around the same age. His sandy colored hair combed to the side making his all black suite look more elegant. "Oh, and I see you have company?" her fathers? deep voice cut through the awkward silence.

"Yes, mum, dad this is Harry. My new lover. After tea we'll be in my room and I promise to keep the noise to a minimum this time." She smiled sweetly at me as I jumped to my feet. "N-no! No i-it's not like that! I swear, I-I would never Mr. and Mrs. Zaffre. I-I just met her...I-I wouldn't!" I was mortified, how could she just come out and say something like that...to her parents of all people!

The sound of fists colliding with the countertop and laughter broke me away from the tensed stare of her father. "Harry, it's a joke. They're not real!" she doubled over with laughter as I turned to her parents. They were gone.

"What the hell was that?"

"It's an illusion, I can make people see and hear what I want. Most of the time people don't notice it's not real, only if they get too close will they see the shimmer and start to realize something's off." She walked over to me, rubbing small circles on shoulder, "You should have seen your face! I thought you were going to piss yourself when I said you were my lover!"

I gave her harsh glare and sat back down. "That wasn't funny, like it's not bad enough I'm apparently a freak but you have to mock me now too?" I spat.

"No, Harry, I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to sound like that. I was just...I thought you would think it was funny. I-I'm not mocking you." She said softly as she took my face in her tiny hands, running the pad of her thumb over my bottom lip. "I like that you're so pure, Harry. Your innocence is endearing."

Just as she leaned in to close the small distance between our lips the kettle whistled, jumping apart, she went back to making tea. "Why don't you go pick out a movie? They're in my room, the last door down the hall, on the shelf." She said while she rummaged around in the fridge.

Nodding I walked down the hall, once I opened her door I was stunned. Her room was the same pearl white as the carpets with a large bed in the middle. The lilac color sheets and pillows matched the color of her wooden bedside table and long dresser that held another large flatscreen, just along the opposite wall of her bed.

What stood out the most was the black and white photos she had hung on the walls. Different cities and structures, all beautifully taken hung around her room. It wasn't something you'd expect from the main gate keeper of hell.

I walked around looking at each picture, did she take these herself?

"Most of them." She said as she walked in with a tray of tea, sandwiches and crisps. Setting it down, she walked over to the largest portrait hanging. "This one's my favorite. I took in New York"

"You've been to New York?" I asked excitedly walking over to see a large building with stained glass windows, angels and crosses edged into the glass.

"Yea...a long time ago. I doubt that building is still there." There was a hint of sadness in her voice, I noticed it when she spoke of certain places and times. It made me wonder when this picture was taken, but I didn't want to be rude and ask.

"1906, it was small church just near the water front. It housed the immigrants coming in, souls looking for a better life. They didn't know one of the souls wasn't like them. A fallen angel traveled amongst them, he fell in love with a demon and was cast out. He went searching for her but he didn't know she was already sent back."

She was lost in her memory, but her small hand found mine. Intertwining our fingers as she continued her story.

"He looked for years, until he found out she was sent to me. So stricken by his lost and grief, I heard he destroyed the church. Crumbled it with his anger. I never went back to see if that true." She hung her head, I could feel the wave of shame and guilt as it washed over her.

"D-did you...kill her?" it was a stupid question. Of course she had, it was her job, her duty.

"It was my job...but I couldn't." she looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "I couldn't kill her knowing his love for her was true. He loved her so much he took the fall for her, he left his home...he left heaven...for her. I should've, but I couldn't and now my mistake has come full circle." She pulled me over to the bed and sat down, patting the space next to her.

"What do you mean, full circle?"

"I kept her hidden from the world, I promised when the time was right she could go and find her love and make a life, she grew impatient and broke free. That was three decades ago, it took many years for her to find him, her Zekiel but when she did...the gift they created together was lost in time. Waiting for its form to be created. It's body to be born." The look on her face was one of awe and happiness.

"Harry...you are that gift. That's why you're the key. You're the only child to be ever be born of an angel and a demon." She grew quiet, letting me take in what was just said.

"H-how can that be? M-my parents, I look like them, I-I have the same blood as them! I-I can't be...I just can't!" My head was spinning, so many things didn't add up. I couldn't be half angel and half demon...I'm human!

"Your body, yes...it's human but your soul, Harry. It's something so much more."

"W-what am I?" I asked though I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

"You're the balance between everything. You are hope and destruction, you can bring peace to the world, heaven on earth....or you can release the darkness, make earth the new living hell. If you let that darkness in you take over, the creatures of hell will use you to open the gate and release them but you also have the power to save them, condemn those not worth saving. You can rid the world of evil."

This was all too much to take in, my head felt like it was about to explode. I felt sick, light headed and dizzy. "Harry, lay down. You look like you're going to faint." Seri said while pushing me back towards the pillows. I didn't argue.

"So much for a normal evening, right?" she forced a chuckle, "I'm sorry, I should have waited to tell you." She kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes. I didn't get a chance to respond before sleep pulled me under.

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