5: ...and you are?

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Pulling in the parking lot, trying to find a place to park quickly, since I was already late. I noticed the black mustang from yesterday. There was an open spot next to it so I decided to park there. As soon as I stepped out from my car I felt my headache start to recede.

Ever since I woke up from, yet another, strange dream my head had been pounding. At one point, when I turned in the opposite direction of the school to head to a nearby café for some coffee, it was so bad I could barely see.

It almost seemed like the closer I got to school the lesser the pounding would get and now standing next to this car, it was almost fully gone. There was just the remnants of a dull throbbing.

I walked down the hall to my locker to see Everett and his group of dimwits standing around a locker just a few feet from mine. It wasn't until I was close enough to hear the small whimpers that I noticed they weren't just hanging about.

I stepped closers to get a better look when I saw the same small platinum blonde girl from yesterday. Everett had her pinned up against the locker, one hand up her shirt while the other had a handful of her hair. Grinding his hips against her while his head was bent to her ear whisper something that sounded like a mix between the dirty things he wanted to do to her and a threat.

"Everett, what the hell man?" I said while pushing him aside, a small scream came from the girl as he refused to let her hair go, pulling her with him. "You're fucking hurting her!" just as I reached out for the collar of his shirt, I felt a pair of hands grab at the back of my shirt.

"Listen here, Styles, I already told you to stay the fuck out of my business!" Everett spat as he let her go and threw her in to a locker, letting her slide down to the floor. He walked forward and I felt his fist connect with my stomach. I wasn't able to speak before his fist glided along my cheek, I bit down on my tongue too hard and could taste the metallic liquid in my mouth.

"What's going on over there?" someone yelled from the opposite end of the hall as I fell to the ground. Before I knew what was happening, a tiny hand grabbed mine and pulled me up. Wow, she's strong. I thought as she led me down the hall and out the side door near the football fields. She didn't stop until we reached the stands and quickly ducked under them.

She dropped my hand and backed away, scared. "I'm not going to hurt you." I said when she slide down and wrapped her arms around her knees. Her head was down but I could hear her quiet sobs. Slowly I walked over to her.

"A-are you ok? H-he didn't...hurt you, did he?" I mentally slapped myself for asking such a dumb question! Of course he hurt her! He had his filthy hands up her shirt while pinning her against the locker by her hair!

"N-no...not too much." She said not meeting my eyes. "Uh...t-thank you...for...you know, what you did. I'm sorry you got hurt." she finally looked up and I could see the tears running down her face.

Without thinking I quickly made my way to her and pulled her into my lap. Rocking back and forth, telling her it was ok. She grabbed a fistful of my shirt while her burrowing her head in my chest. I let her cry herself out, not caring about my shirt.

When her sobs became quiet hiccups I leaned back to look at her. Her eyes were puffy and rimmed with a mix of red and black, from her mascara but the blazing blue of her irises still shinned through. Her cheeks were flushed and blotchy almost matching the ruby red of her plump lips.

Just as I was about to ask her, her name the bell ending 1st period rang. "W-we better get back. I don't want to get you into any more trouble." She mumbled while playing with the zipper of her hoodie.

"It's ok, I don't think the teacher saw us and Everett won't say anything...but...you should. I'm not sure he'll stop if you don't and I really don't want you getting hurt." I told her honestly, she seemed surprised my words as she stopped and just looked at me.

"You don't even know me, why would you care what happens to me?" she asked genuinely confused. It was a good question, why did I care so much? I wasn't sure but she didn't need to know that.

"I just do." I gave her a small smile which she returned as we turned and headed in. "Oh, I'm Harry by the way...and you are...?" I asked as we reached the door, entering the school. She seemed to think about it as we both walked towards my 2nd period class.

Stopping in front of the door, waiting for her answer, she just laughed and walked in the class. I followed and went to my normal seat in the back, as I pulled out my chair I realized she was doing the same with the empty seat next to mine.

She just looked at me and finally opened her mouth.


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