32: Eyes on me

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*Zee’s POV*

I had left Harry to train on his own for the morning, I had to admit it was a bit unnerving to see how quickly he became accustom to his new body. Also how well he was fairing with all the training, though I knew he pushed himself to contain his many thoughts of Seri and Zaffre.

His heart was broken and whenever he thought of them it only shattered him more. The thought of him being this way forever was weighing on me, knowing I could end his suffering was the worst part of this.

He was my son and all I could do was comfort him, for now. He had to finish this, he had to move on and live a life after everything was done and over with. No matter how much I wanted to tell him it would all work out and he wouldn’t be alone forever, I just couldn’t.

I had my orders.

I had my own promises to keep, and keep them until the moment was right I would.

“Zekiel, you worry too much, brother.” A soft chuckle brought me out of my thoughts.

“You worry too, you’re just better at hiding it from others.” I smiled, turning to face the beautiful woman I trusted with my life…with my sons’ life.

“You know me well. But I also know what you know, I chose to have faith in that knowledge. He will be fine, in the end.” Her smile brought a renewed sense of faith over me and I basked in the hope that she would, once again, be right.

“How is he? It’s been too long since he’s come to see me.” She asked with a sadness in her voice.

I knew her feelings for Harry and the fact that he has yet to be told of her was enough to break her. So long had she just been a kind figure in his life and now that he knew of our world, the world he belonged to, she wished he had knowledge of her. The real her.

“Heartbroken.” Was all I could say, yet I knew she still watched over him. I knew she would have already seen what he has become.

“Then let us end this quickly. I fear the longer this goes on, the more likely we will lose him. I have seen the darkness in him, brother. Without his light, we will lose him.”

“How much time?” I asked.

“Not long, He stirs already. I can feel him. He will come for us soon.” she sighed.

“I know, Kale feels it too.” It was my turn to sigh, “I don’t think he is ready.”

Turning to see a small smile playing on her lips, he head tilted as she stared at me.

“What?” I asked, he gaze was becoming uncomfortable.

“It’s amazing how much I see you in Harry. Watching him all those years, you do not know how hard it was, brother, to not mention you and Kale. He truly got the best qualities from you both, though, I think it is safe to say he got his looks from his mother.” She winked and chuckled again.

I was about to reply to her smart mouth just as Harry entered my thoughts.

‘Have you hit the outer perimeter line?’ His voice was flat as he blocked me from seeing what was in his head.

‘No, why?’  I asked as my mind went through the different scenarios of could happen to him while I wasn’t there.

I knew he was safe and he could defend himself if needed, unless….

‘There’s a demon close, I can smell it….’ His words hit me like a ton of bricks. If it was Him I knew Harry wouldn’t stand a chance, not now at least.

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