39: Wings, Blood and Love (The End)

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*Thank everyone who read, voted, and commented on this story! This was so much fun to write n I still can't believe how many people enjoyed it! So enjoy the last chaper....tired to make it a long one for you lot! *

Running towards June, I wasn’t ready for what I saw. Blood covered her as she laid on the ground, twisting in pain. I could see her shoulders rolling around as her skin stretched just above the blades. Flexing them to help ease the pain, the skin bubbled up and with a loud pop something came out.

Two bloodied, charcoaled colored wings sprang free, expanding out. They were huge, the span of them nearly as long as both my arms. What threw me off was the color. Weren’t they supposed to be white?

A soft chuckle caught my attention as I looked down at June who had a small, still painful, smile on her lips. Her breathing heavy as she tried to right herself.

“When you get yours, I suspect they will be black. Being a halfling, it would make sense, but all of ours are grey. No angel has white wings. We’re not as pure as most would like to think.”

As she spoke, I knelt down to help her. Trying my best to not be too rough with her, I could feel the agony rolling off her as she gripped my arms and pulled to her feet.

“Are you ok?” I asked, still too worried about her to even think about what she had said about me getting wings.

“I’m fine, really. I just need to rest.” she sounded exhausted.

I still wasn’t sure what happened and how she got wings, but I figured once I got her back to the house and got her settled, I’d have a little talk with Michael.

Finally I had gotten June in bed, after we got back I had to basically push Gabriel to help her clean up. I loved her to death, but I didn’t fancy seeing her naked. He had seemed to be the closes to her so I figured he could help.

I went out into the back yard in search of Michael, I was still unsure on a number of things and thought if anyone could help it would be him.

“Over here.” His voice rang out from the side of the house as soon as I step outside.

“You have questions for me.” He stated as I got closer.

Nodding I went to take a seat in the plush grass. Leaning my head against the wall I looked at him, I knew he could read my thoughts but instead of doing so, he waited until I spoke out loud.

“What the hell happened back there?” my voice was soft and calm but in my head, everything was spinning.

“Raphael took the fall for you, she did it to help you. We all felt the moment you killed Drakius, she felt more so because she sacrificed so much for you. In the end, you helped her get back what she gave up. You gave her, her wings back.

I know you wonder how she will bring back your parents, your mate, but I won’t tell you. That is for her to do, but I will tell you, that had you chosen a different path…she would not be able to.

There are reasons the ‘people’ in your life are there, they all played a part but in the end the choice came down to you. You had to be the one to choose which side you were on. Raphael was willing to take the chance of not returning to Heaven for you. You didn’t disappoint, she had so much faith in you and in the end she was right.”

I sat there looking at him, I didn’t know what to say. How do you respond to something like that? Knowing she gave up so much for me, knowing there was a possibility that this whole thing could have gone in another direction.

It was just a bit overwhelming.

‘Is she still resting?’ Titan’s voice broke through my head as he made his way through the back yard, towards the house.

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