13: Prophecy

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She sat there looking at her hands, a frown tugging at her brows as she thought about what to say next. "There are things in this world I wish didn't exist...myself included." I was just about to ask her what she meant by that when a loud crackling sounded from under her shirt.

Her shoulders pulled back and rounded as if trying to break away from the rest of her body. "Harry, move back!" her pain filled scream echoed throughout the small room. I did as I was told just in time to see her skin begin to redden and shake. I looked into her eyes...they...they were glowing.

The familiar blue orbs shining brightly at me, the air around her seemed to vibrate as she quickly pulled off her shirt. Reaching for the jeans, as she pulled them down her figure began to change. Everything slowed down as I took in what was happening. The moment her pants hit the ground her entire body was gone, only to be replaced by a giant black wolf.

I wanted to scream, run, wake up...anything, but I stood there frozen. My breathing uneven as I mentally tried to calm myself. "It's ok, Harry. I won't hurt you. I would never hurt...I'm here to help you." Seri's voiced rang in my head.

"You asked what I am, this...this is it." She thought as she lowered her head, I couldn't make out her expression but the glimpse I got of her eyes, held shame in them. "Y-you're a...a...werewolf?" I stuttered, still shocked by her confession. My questions earned me a deep throaty growl as her pulled lip up, showing the sharp edge of her fangs. "Don't ever call me that again, Harry! I'm a hound! Not a disgusting mutt with little control!"

"I-I'm sorry..." I backed away from her as she took a step forward. With a sigh, she stepped back and the air once again vibrated around her. In the blink of an eye she stood in front of me, back in human form.

"It's fine...are you ok?" she asked, raising her hand out to me but I was too focused on the fact that she stood there naked. I couldn't stop myself as my eyes trailed the length of her body. Memorizing every detail, the way her breast curved to the small inked mark resting on her hip to the small patch of freckles she had on her upper thigh.

Every detail I took in twice before she cleared her throat. "Are you quite finished?" her tone laced with annoyance. I broke my ogling and gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry." I mumbled as she reached for my tee and slipped back in to it.

"So...you're a hound?" I asked rocking on my heels. I wasn't sure how to continue our conversation, not when the image of her naked was still playing in my head. "Yes...and please stop that. There are more important things to think of rather me naked." She rolled her eyes. Shit! I mentally thought to myself, I had forgotten she could hear and see my thoughts.

"Sit down, we have much to discuss." Her voice flat and emotionless. I went to sit across from her, still slightly shaken from what just happened. An awkward silence filled the air, neither of us knowing what to say next.

Thankfully she spoke first, "So...I know you must have more questions now and I'm sorry about before, I should have warned you." She gave me a smile apologetic smile. I shuddered at the thought of her as a giant wild wolf.

Her musical laughter filled the air, "am I THAT frightening?" the proud smirk on her face telling me she was amused my reaction. "It's not every day I see someone turn in to a wolf." I said, looking down at fingers. "You'll get us to it, Landon...Mr. Chase, was right you know. You don't know what you're getting yourself into...however, this was always your fate. No matter what any of us did to try and stop it, it was bound to happen." The sadness in her voice tugged at my heart.

"What do you mean us? And what exactly are were you trying to stop?" I couldn't take the distance anymore, moving to sit beside her on the bed. "I didn't know there were others until today, other than Landon but even with him, I didn't know he'd been here for so long." She sighed before she continued. "Do you know why you can hear Titan and no other animal?"

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