6: Stay away from him!

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Before I could say anything in response, Mr. Chase walks in and immediately locked eyes with Seri. "Oh, you must be Miss. Zaffre." He snaps and I could see her tense the moment his stare met hers.

"Uh...oh yeah, that's me." There was an odd tone to her voice that I couldn't place. I looked between her and Mr. Chase while I could see their stares turn in to glares. I cleared my throat feeling the tension in the room grow.

"Ok class, let's get started on today's assignment." He turned to face the class, "I want each of you to think of yourselves as an animal." As soon as the word left his lips, Seri growled at him. I turned to her and lifted my eyebrows. She just let out a nervous chuckle as suddenly the desk in front of her was very attention grabbing.

"You can get started now." I looked up to see that once again Mr. Chase's gaze fell on Seri. Though she wouldn't meet his eyes.

I went over and grabbed the materials we would need and dropped them our desk. "Thanks." She mumbled.


"Alright class, finish up what you can and turn them in within the next 10 minutes."

My head snapped up to see that the class was almost over. I was not nearly finished with my drawing, since I had to keep erasing and redrawing. I looked over to see Seri had drawn a beautiful white...wolf.

"Is it that bad?" she looked at me with a worried expression. "N-no, it's actually really great. So...realistic." I tried my best not to cringe. I had to remind myself that it in no way looked like that giant black wolf with the glowing blue eyes from my dream.

"Thank you." I looked over to see Seri with her head down and her cheek a lovely shade of red. She looked over at mine and chuckled. "What? You don't like it?" I said lifting my eyebrow, as if daring her to say no.

"I'm not really sure what it is...so I don't know if I like it or not." She laughed. Her laugh, I knew it, though I'd never heard her laugh before. Or have you? My subconscious screamed at me. I knew, I knew it but I couldn't place where I had heard it before. The soft musical sound of bells continued ringing in my ear.

"It's not THAT bad...is it?" I said holding it up and turning it as if trying to find an angle that it wouldn't look so bad in. It was useless. "Here, let me see it." She grabbed it and started to scratch her pencil against the paper. "It's a cat, right?" I nodded and she chuckled.

"There, now others can see what it actually is and I still kept most of your work." She gave me an award winning grin. I returned it when I saw that she really had fixed it but most of it was still my messy work.

"The idea is to do your own work, Mr. Styles. Miss. Zaffre, can you stay after class. We need to discuss you NOT doing others work for them." Again the tension filled the air and I could see Seri sending a harsh glare at Mr. Chase's back as he walked away.

"I'm sorry I got you in trouble, Seri. I didn't mea-" she cut me off, "its ok, Harry. It was my fault really." Just as I was about to argue the bell rang. "I can wait...and walk you to your next class...if you want." I meant it to sound more confident than that but instead I sounded like the nervous idiot I was.

She giggled, "No it's ok, I'm not sure how long he'll keep me and I don't want you to be late for your next class." I nodded and walked away but as I got to the door I heard her voice ring out again. "But you can meet me for lunch." I turned and grinned. "It's a date."


After heading to my locker and getting my maths books I walked back down the hall when I passed the art room I could a loud voice boom through the close door.

"YOU NEED TO LEAVE AND STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" who is Mr. Chase yelling at? I thought as I got closer, trying to get a better listen. "LANDON, SO HELP ME GOD IF YOU DON'T STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM, I'LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND EAT IT!" Was that Seri? It sounded like her but she was so quiet I didn't think she'd yell at anyone...ever!

"Listen here you filthy mutt, he's mine! Back off before I rip his heart out and feed it to the hound!" he literally growled! It was so low and menacing, I honestly believe he would do just as he said. But what hound? Was it is his dog? And who was she supposed to stay away from?

"You're too late, Landon," She laughed but I could sense it was forced, "it's already begun. He'll come to me soon and know the tru-" "who's truth? Yours?" he cut her off and this time he forced a laugh. "We both know what you're after! Once he knows, he'll leave you...or kill you."

I stood there stunned. What the hell were they talking about? Who the hell were they talking about and why would anyone want to kill her?

"Keep an eye out, Landon. You never what's watching you...or better yet, you never know when it's last eaten!" her voice taking on a slight growl at the end as I heard soft steps coming towards the door. Slamming the art door shut she turned on her heel and stopped when she saw me standing there.

For a moment I thought I saw her wide eyes shine but when I did a double take I saw that it was just the way the light hit them. Her mouth opened and I waited for her to say something.

"How long have you been standing there? What did you hear?!" she growled.

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