27: I love you I love you I love you!

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Part One Playlist (Songs in Order):

*Now that I found you~ Paul McDonald & Nikki Reed (Video of version used in sidebar)

*Please~ Ray LaMontagne

*Lean~ Oh Land


I woke up to the sounds of laughter and silk sheets. The warmth of the sun as it shone through the open window was calming, I didn't even want to think about the fact that this place was so foreign.

Though, the all too familiar honey, vanilla, woodsy smell crept up my nose. Sighing I rolled over and buried my head the pillow next to mine. There was no better smell in the world to me than the smell of Seri. It was sweet and comforting yet arousing at the same time.

I noticed the sheets held a little warmth, like she had been sleeping here with me. That's when I remember the soft laughter that I had woken me up. Quickly jumping of bed, I ran to the window. Looking down, I saw the most beautiful and amusing sight ever.

There, dancing in the sun, head back as the warm rays were caressing her skin, was Seri. Every now and then she would spin around, arms open while her fingers licked at the wheat grass, laughing at the loving touch they were giving her.

Her rose colored cotton gown, hugged her chest and waist while the bottom flared around her hips, stopping just above her knees. The blush color matching the flush of her cheeks perfectly as she twirled around, humming to the song playing in her head.

Every now and then she would look off into the distance. I couldn't help but worry about the sadness that lit her features as she thought about something before quickly dismissing it and returning to her playful manner.

Suddenly a black wolf with blue eyes so bright I could see them from the window, jumped up from the patch of tall grass. Knocking Seri down, I was frightened for a moment until I heard her giggling.

It was her Wolf.

Something nagging me in the back of my mind but I didn't want to ruin the moment and something told me, deep down in my gut, that if I were to think too much on it, I wouldn't like the questions I was sure to receive. Let alone the answers that I knew I would just hate to get.

No, it was so much better to just stand and watch and soak in the happiness in Seri's face and the wonderful sound of her enjoying this moment. Nothing in the world could be better than being able to see her this happy, carefree and playful.

I smiled to myself thinking how beautiful her and her wolf looked, the way the sun shined down on them, giving them a slight glow and a sparkle. The way their bodies moved with each other. The wolf would crouch and Seri would mimic her movements, or the way the each would spring out at each other.

A burst of laughter escaped my lips as the hem of Seri's dress caught on the fang of her wolf and each bounced back towards each other in a playful collision. It was then that both their smiling faces snapped up in my direction to see I was watching.

"Harry! Come down, my love! Come play with us!" Seri's soft, musical voice called to me as her wolf barked in agreement at her side.

Not having to be told twice, I quickly ran towards the door and down the stairs. Within second I was out the back door making my way quickly to them. Nearly to them, Seri smirked at me while taking off running, straight for me while her wolf ran around the field and was coming up closely behind me.

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