12: What are you?

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I didn't understand what was happening. One minute she was calling out for help, then the next she was beating the crap out of Everett. What made it all the more confusing was the fact that after she broke his jaw and nose, he adjusted them both like it was nothing and started a conversation with her!

I could only hear bits of their conversation and some of it I didn't understand at all. The look on Seri's face when she turned back to face me, confused me even more. She had so many emotions in her eyes but a blank face. Finally she let out a heavy sigh and started walking towards me.

She stopped when she was about half way, her eyes got wide while her breathing picked up. "HARRY, RUN! RUN TO ME!" she screamed! I didn't take the time to look back, the worry in her voice was enough to tell my legs to move.

Just as I reached her, I saw Everett leap up from behind her and he swiftly moved us to the side before coming face to face with Mr. Chase. Just when I thought my confusion couldn't get any worse. "I-I ran away from Mr. Chase?" I trying to mentally put everything together but none of it added up.

Harry, he's not what he seems! Please just trust me! Seri's voice sounded in my head. I turned to face her with wide eyes. I know, I know! I promise I'll explain everything later. She said?...thought? Whichever.

"Mr. Styles, I'm going to need you to come with me." He stated as I felt a warm hand reach for mine. I looked down as Seri intertwined our fingers. "Landon, you know I won't let him go. So suggest you leave now. Wouldn't want to mess up those pretty wings of yours, would you?" She sounded so calm but there was a menace in her voice that sent shivers down my spine.

And what the hell does she mean his wings? He didn't have wings! I thought while giving Mr. Chase a once over. "Mr. Styles, I will not ask you again." He spoke while glaring between Seri and Everett. Harry, on three, you need to run. Just make it to my car and you'll be safe. I'll be right behind you. She sounded in my head again as I felt her tiny hand squeeze mine.




"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Harry. You don't know what you're getting yourself into. Come with me and I'll give you the answers she never will." Mr. Chase cut her off before she could finish her count. "W-who are? What are you? All of you?" I stuttered.

The list of weird crap in my life had just filled up within the last few moments. Crazy dreams, voices in my head, instant healing, and talks about dogs and wings. I felt like if anything else happened I would literally go bat shit mad!

"Harry, I need you to trust me. I need you to feel rather than see!" She said, her eyes trying desperately to tell me something but before my mind could process anything, an image came to mind. The wolf picture.

"Do you really think she'll be honest with you Harry? Look at all the mind games she's played with you already." I was still watching Seri closely. The blue glowing orbs from my dream, was her. Without a second thought I gripped her hand tighter and thought, can we out run him?

The smirk playing on her lips gave me a sense of hope that we could. After all she said we only needed to make it to her car. "Landon," she tsk'd while shaking her head at him, "you should really watch your back, my old friend."

With that everything around me went black.


I woke up in my bed and for once I felt perfect. Too perfect. I looked around my room, quickly spotting that damned picture that would surely tell me I was dreaming. It was sitting on dresser next to my TV.

'Why was I alone?' I thought as I picked up the remote and pushed the power button. At first it was just a blank blue screen until I thought about my other dreams with the glowing, blue eyed girl. Seri.

Just as I thought about it, images of her with me started to play on the screen. This time I could see her, all of her. Her platinum hair falling over her shoulder as she straddled me, her tiny hand playing with the hem of boxers, the small inked mark on her right hip. Every detail was replayed as I watched her movements closely.

"Of all the things you could choose to see, you pick these." a soft voice broke my concentration from the Telly. Turning to see Seri, leaning in the door way of my bedroom, a smile playing on her lips.

"I-I can see you, all of you!" I said while taking in her features. "I-is that my t-shirt?" I asked when I notice the white Kiss shirt she wore. "Yea...hope you don't mind. I need a clean shirt." She looked down shyly.

I couldn't find the strength to be angry, she looked good in it. It pair nicely with her maroon skinny jeans and her white converse. "I-it's fine...I don't mind." I smiled. "So...should we start then?" she asked, my brows immediately frowned in confusion. "I know you have questions, lots of them, I'm not sure I'll be able to answer them all right now but I'll do my best."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, leading me to the bed. I raised my brows. "Relax, this might take a while and you should be as comfortable as possible." She gently pushed me down on the bed and crawled in with me. Cuddling up to my side while she eyed me. "So...where would you like me to start?"

I thought about it for a moment.

"What are you?"

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