29: Remember

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The smell of stale blood and rusted metal filled my nose. It had been at least an hour since I was ripped from my personal heaven with Seri and Zaffre. I woke to the sounds of Seri’s screams as I opened my eyes I saw Malphas standing over her. The knife cutting through her delicate, pale skin like butter.

 Even as the silver burned and scorched her skin, she put up a fight. Trying to break free from the binds that held her in place. It was only when Emma came in did she stop in her struggle.

 “Don’t touch him! You can do whatever you want with me, BUT DON’T TOUCH HIM!!” She screamed. It was only then did I realize that Emma was holding something. They looked like a pair of weed pruners, only slightly larger than the ones I had seen my mother use in her garden.

 “Oh this is going to be so much fun!” Emma squealed as she undid my chains. Letting me fall to the floor, I guess I was weaker than I thought. Since I couldn’t even hold myself up. All thoughts of helping Seri vanished once Malphas stood over me, grabbing me by the collar of shirt and dragging me over to Seri.

“My dear sweet hound, we aren’t going to hurt him. Though the same cannot be said about him hurting you.” His wicked grin made it clear he had no intentions of backing out of his threat.

 My mind raced with the possibilities of what he wanted me to do. Even if it was something as simple as cutting her hair, I couldn’t imagine doing that to her. Let alone actually inflicting any sort of pain on her.

 “Let him go, Malphas! Or I swear to God I’l-” he cut her off with the back of his hand connecting with her face.

 Rage burned in me. I could feel the anger seeping in every pore of my body, ready to consume me as he knelt down on to look her in the eyes.

 “You’ll what?” he laughed, “You can’t even save yourself, mutt!”

 “GET AWAY FROM HER!” a voice screamed, filled with so much power, the very walls shook.

 The realization that the voice was coming from me, hit me like a ton of bricks. I could feel the anger in me as it coursed through my veins, somehow making me stronger. But soon, just as fast as I felt it come it was gone.

 “Well, I see Landon was right.” He said, as he looked back to Seri, who had a look of pure shock on her bloodied face. “The boy has somehow gain his powers early.”

 “L-landon?” Seri whispered.

 “You didn’t really think I was going to let you have all the fun, now did you, lover?” Mr. Chase’s voice sounded from a darken corner in the room, the last word from his mouth dripping with venom.

 “I should have known you’d stoop so low as to help Malphas!” Seri snarled. Pulling harder at her binds, the rusted metal digging further into her flesh.

 “Not as low as being with a dog! Did you really think I cared for you? That I wanted you?” his laugh booming in the small space we were confined in.  “A little affection here and a few touches there and you caved, you gave me all I needed to know, without a second thought.”

 “What is he talking about Seri?’ I knew there was a history between them but nothing like this. He was with her…intimately.  

 Before she could speak, Landon walk over, picking me back up and pinning me to the wall.

 “You didn’t tell him, did you Seri?” a smug smirk playing on lips.

 “Landon, don’t! You used me! There was nothing to tell!” she pleased with him as she sent me a worried glared.

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