9: This is YOUR dream

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"Harry, you can touch me, you know." She sighed heavily. Up until now, I had just let her do whatever she wanted to me. Her hand was expertly moving up and down my length while my hands fists the sheets.

I had been so taken back by her forwardness and the fact she seem to have nothing but underwear on, that I hadn't moved in the last five minutes. Finally she'd had enough of my shyness and jump off the bed.

"I-I'm sorry...I just don't...really know what to do?" I was mentally asking her for a little guidance. "I've never...you know." I whispered while looking everywhere but her eyes. I knew what I wanted to do to her but I couldn't find the courage to actually do them.

Even if this was a dream, I was still nervous and shy. "It's ok, Harry. We can just talk or something...it's your dream. We can do whatever you want." She said while moving back to the bed. After a she found a comfortable position she asked, "is it because you can't see me? I know you can feel my body, but is not being able to actually see it...bothering you?"

I thought for a moment. Yes, it bothered me but only because I didn't like not knowing who I was talking to or...messing around with. Though it didn't bother me too much since she was right, I could feel her.

I could feel the curve of her hips and her tiny waist, her soft and full breast. I could feel any part of her I wanted, I just couldn't see it. Also, not being able to see what she really looked like took away from the intimacy of what we were doing but again, it didn't bother me as much as it should have.

"You're not like most guys your age. Most would have flipped me over and thrusted into me without a second thought. It wouldn't be...'intimate' to them." She seemed to think about this for a moment before speaking again.

"You're the type to make love, aren't you, Harry. Even in a dream, it's not just sex for you, is it?" I could feel her tiny hand brushing my curls off my forehead and running her fingertips down and over my cheeks.

"I don't really know, I've had...uh...wet dreams before...about Emma but...they never were just about screwing someone." I wasn't sure if she understood until I felt her soft lips on my jaw. "It's ok, like I said, this is YOUR dream."

"D-do you want, uh...to uh...you know?" I stuttered and mentally slapped myself. She giggled, still running her hand along my cheek and jaw. "Yes, I would very much like to...you know." She rolled her eyes at the fact that I couldn't just say sex but then continued. "However, for me, there's no emotional attachment with the act. It's just sex. It wouldn't mean the same thing to me as it would to you." She stated.

I felt my heart drop for some reason. It wouldn't mean anything to her, I was just a 'good looking' piece of ass and nothing more. "That's not true, Harry. It's complicated but soon you'll understand why. For right now, I can't..." she paused, trying to find the right words, "have an emotional attachment to you. Not while you're dreaming. Whatever I feel out there is real but in here, in your head, I'm a separate...creature."

The way she spoke only made me more upset and saddened but also curious as to what she meant. Again, reading my thoughts she spoke before I could process anything. "We'll discuss it more later." She said while leaning in and pressing her lips to mine. "Wake up now."

I shot up from my bed, feeling the massive headache from the night before still pounding away at my brain. Making it hard to think about what the girl in my dreams had said. She couldn't feel anything towards me while I was dreaming? I thought, it seemed weird but I had every intention of holding her to her promise to talk about it later on.

Just as I was replaying every word she said to me, my phone went off.

Morning. I'll be leaving in a few. See you soon. xx ~ Seri

Shit! I forgot to set my alarm and now I was late. Throwing the covers off, I ran to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Rushing to get ready, I forgot to take the aspirin I had grabbed from the medicine cabinet on my way out. With it them my hand I made my way down the path to Seri's car. "Good morning." She sang as I threw my bag in the back seat. "Morning, thanks for picking me up." I gave her my best warm smile.

"No problem, what's that?" she asked, motioning to the two pills in my palm. "Oh just some aspirin. Do you think we could stop off at the café and get some coffee, or something?" I laughed, feeling stupid for not grabbing a bottle of water.

I have this thing, I can't take pills without some sort of liquid. I feel like they get stuck in my throat and I end up gagging for a good hour. Seri interrupted my mental cringing at the thought of having to take them without liquid. "Yeah, I was heading there anyway. Still not feeling well?" she asked while giving me a worried look.

It wasn't until she mentioned it that I noticed my headache was now completely gone and I felt loads better. "Actually, I feel perfect now. Maybe I'll just keep these for later." I laughed. "Good idea." She said smiling at me but there was something in her voice that made me think it sounded more like "good luck" than "good idea".

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