37: you already know

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The last two days have been pure torture for me. Once ALL the angels showed up, my life went from complicated to a complete HELL!

Time was running out and no matter how hard I would try and tell them this they all just blew it off. Michael was the worst. Just because he ran Heavens army doesn’t mean he could come down here and take over.

“No this can’t wait any more! We need to go now!” I said, currently sitting in kitchen arguing with Michael, Gabriel and Uriel. All three had ganged up against me.

“Your plan won’t work, letting you go in there alone….you’ll die young one! We need to be smart about this!” The booming sound of Michaels voice shook the house as his fist broke through the small table.

It was safe to say were all frustrated and getting nowhere. No matter what I had said they always turned it down, stating that I was too important to let go and find Drakius on my own, like I knew I had to do.

“NO! Would you all just shut the fuck up and listen?!” I yelled as three sets of heads whipped round to glare at me.

“You may be important, young one, but you will not speak to us like that again. Do I make myself clear?” The rage behind Uriel’s voice was crystal clear but it only infuriated me more.

Just because they were angels didn’t mean I didn’t deserve just as much respect as they did. They all acted like I was some fucking toddler who had just discovered his parts and went around showing them off.

I had to laugh at that thought, it happens. When I was 7, one of the younger neighborhood boys found out he had different parts from the girls and went round showing EVERYONE he was a boy. Fucking idiot.

My humorous moment was cut short when I looked back to the three angels. The glares they were sending me only fueled my anger once again. Not wanting to deal with them any longer, I got up, and walked out.

Fuck this. I thought as I shifted.

I just needed a break, a little alone time to clear my head and think of a new approach to getting them to listen to me.

I wasn’t sure how long I ran but by the time I came back to the small bushes that bordered the house the sun was starting to set. Still not in the mood to deal them I went to the small willow tree just in view of the back door.

Like so many other times I was left to my own thoughts, they drifted to my girls. Thinking about our time together, it always helped sooth me, calm me. Resting my head on my paws I let their memory pull me into a deep sleep.

‘Harry…Harry, love wake up.’

Seri’s sweet voice filled my ears as I breathed in her familiar scent.

‘No…if I wake up, you’ll be gone.’

I didn’t best to keep still, to keep my eyes closed when all I wanted to do was open them and see her. It was a need to see her but I knew it wouldn’t last, not when I finally opened them.

Her musical chuckle filled my ears as I felt the tips of her fingers trace my jaw line.

‘I promise you I won’t disappear, please, open your eyes Harry. I need to see them.’

The longing her voice was enough to get them to snap open. The moment they did I took her in, her nearly white hair flowing over her shoulders as it tucked under her arm that was resting on my chest.

Her watery, bright blue eyes shinned with love. Just as soon as I got to her full and pouty lips she grinned and leaned in. The instant her lips touched mine, the familiar tingle spread throughout my entire body.

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