4: Where are my clothes?

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"Titan, come here boy." I called when he continued to bare his teeth and stalk towards the girl on the other side of the clearing. "There's something wrong with her, Harry. She smells...funny." he said backing up towards me while his eyes never left her.

Just when he reached my leg I grabbed at his collar, as soon as my fingers looped into the thick material she turned on her heels and ran back into the now dark woods. Shit! "Harry, no need to cuss but it's good she's gone. There was something off about her." Can you just stop! I feel crazy! Talking to my dog and actually being able to hear him back! It's not normal, this...this isn't normal! I mentally screamed, all it got me was a loud huff and Titan walking off back towards the direction of the house.

The idea of being able to hear and talk to Titan was really starting to freak me out. It's not normal, was there something wrong with me? There had to be if I was really hearing him!

"I'm not feeling so well, I think I'm just gonna get to bed early tonight." I said to my mum walking in the kitchen. "Ok, sweetie. Do you need anything?" she looked worried but tried not to show it. "I'm good. Night mum." Kissing her cheek I made my way to my room.

"Wake up, babe." a sweet voice whispered in my ear. I could feel a small hand resting lightly on my upper thigh. "Baby, wake up...I need you." She spoke, moving her hand higher. My eyes opened as soon as she reached my groin.

All I could see was blue! The glowing blue eyes of the beast. How? How could she have its eyes but a human body? The eyes shinned so brightly I couldn't make out the rest of the figure above me. But I could feel her, her soft smooth body next to mine. Her fingers began to stroke my length through the thin material of my boxers.


"W-where are my clothes?" I thought I had gone to bed in my sweats and tank top. In fact I know I did. I remembered I was too lazy to take off my clothes after I came up here.

"Harry, you took them off...for me, remember? After you took off mine." Her hand grabbed mine and pressed it against her soft exposed skin of her...stomach?

Everything about her was a blur, other than her glowing eyes everything else was shadowed. I couldn't see anything about her but I could feel her. I ran my fingers up and around the outline of her breast, my index finger hit her hard nipple and I drew my hand back.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered, this couldn't be real. I've never had a girl in my room before. I've never even undressed one before and there was defiantly no way in hell I would bring one here while my parents were just downstairs.

I looked around my room, everything looked normal and in place. Until I spotted the wolf picture that previously hung in my bathroom. NO! I threw it away. T-this isn't real! I have to be dreaming....again.

"No, baby. You're not dreaming. I'm here, right here. See...feel." Once again she took my hand and slid it between her thighs. I could feel the moisture as my finger grazed her entrance. She's trying to distract you Harry! I thought as I removed my hand from between her legs.

"Damn! Smart boy you are!" she chuckled and everything in the room shifted. I was no longer laying on my bed with her but instead in my 3rd period classroom, fully dressed. "Makes it easier to concentrate when you're not nearly naked and in bed with me." Her eyes followed me as I looked around.

"How did you do that?" I asked in awe. "It's your dream, I just help your mind create the setting." I could hear the smirk in voice, "why can't I see you?...all of you?" I asked still trying to avoid the glowing eyes in front of me. "I'm not ready for you to see me...yet. Rest assured, Harold" she giggled, it was such a strange sound...like bells. Beautiful bells.

"When we met you'll know me. You'll feel it...there." Her left eyelid closed...she winked at me! "Kidding! But you will feel it. You'll feel the pull to me, soon." she said in an almost sad voice, the next words out of her confused me even more. "I'm not sure why you don't feel it now."

"W-what do you mean? Feel it now?" I frowned. "It's doesn't matter. Now be a good boy and wake up. You'll need to tend to that...problem before you go to school." Her eyes shifted down and I followed her gaze. Through the fabric of my sweats you could see the outline of my growing bulge, I blushed knowing she had noticed it.

"Don't be shy, love. We just felt each other up moments ago...I wouldn't mind staying here and helping you out with that...if you want." She was moving towards me and for an instant I could see the outline of her black tank top and white shorts. Also the small black inked mark that covered her skin just above her hip bone.

"Shit" she muttered and took a few steps back. "Guess that's my cue. See you later, handsome."

I woke up, feeling like my head was going to explode. I looked around and saw my room, the morning light pouring through the curtains. Pulling back the duvet I could feel the 'problem' she spoke of in my dream, making my sweats uncomfortable.

My dream.

It was just a dream, I told myself. Not like I haven't had wet dreams before but normally they have a...different kind of ending. This was so real, like the dream from before but I couldn't make any sense of them.


UGH! I groaned, time for school.

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