36: No sh*t?!

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“Do you know where to find him? Drakius?” I asked.

We had been sitting here for the last hour just talking about June’s fall and the others that were watching, waiting to see if they would be needed. In all honesty I felt like I could have used a bit of back-up just to help, but June had laughed and tried assure me that only I was needed to end this.

But of course I didn’t think she thought I would go looking for trouble. So I wasn’t too surprised to see the shock on her face as I asked. I wanted this to end, I wanted, needed, to end this so I could try getting my girls back.

It was the thought, the small hope I held, that gave me the extra push to want to go seek Drakius out and finish this. Only after he was gone could I try and get June to bring back Seri and Zaffre.

“Harry….I think it would be wise to wait for him to come to us.”

I can see the worry in June’s eyes but I knew this is a good idea. He won’t expect it and with a well thought out plan and the element of surprise, I really believe that this will work.

‘I think you should listen to her, Drakius is not someone you want to go up against without a plan. We’ll be lucky to even with one.’ Of course Titan would agree with her, I could tell there was more to it than that, the way he’d been looking at her for the last hour it was pretty obvious.

“No. I don’t know what it is, but something is telling me this our chance. This will work but only if we strike first.”

I didn’t know how but I could already see the plan in my head, I could see how it would play out and I knew in the end I would be right. This was it.

“I know it sounds crazy but I can see it all in my head. I can see that, this way, I can end this.”

June gasped and looked at me with awe. I was slightly uncomfortable with the way she was looking at me but didn’t say anything. I just raised my brows and gave her a small smile.

“Like father, like son.” She chuckled, shaking her head.


“Zeke could get a glimpse of the future as well, he was able to get small bits of events and he always said the same thing you just did. “Something is telling me this is our chance.” Or “Something is telling me this will work.” After a while we all just went with it because in the end, he was always right.”

Again laughing and shaking her head, she stood up and walked towards the back door. Looking back at Titan and me when we didn’t follow.

“Are you coming or not?” She asked, smiling at us.

Getting up we both made our way to her. Tilting her head back she started talking to herself. I did my best not to give her the ‘you are crazy’ look but I guess I failed when she smiled and said, “We’re going to need back-up if this is going to work.”

Nodding, we followed her out of the house and into the back yard. Once we were out in the small clearing, June turned and stared at me expectantly.

“What?” I asked, more than a little unsure of why she was staring at me.

“You have to call them. I’m fallen, I can still talk to some…those who choose, but you have to call to them. You are the only one who can bring them down.”

Oh, yea cause that is something I should have known automatically….right? I thought, even in my head I could hear the though laced with so much sarcasm.

‘You know we can still hear you, right?’ Titans’ words and laugh echoed in my head as I looked at June with a sheepish grin.

“Sorry.” I mumbled. “How do I call them?”

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