25: What is that smell?

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Seri's POV:

"What did you mean, you have a feeling you're not the only one in my head?" Harry asked as soon as my front door was closed. I could tell the whole drive here, his head held many new questions.

I was slightly annoyed. Yes, Harry and I's...relationship isn't the warm, cuddly, and romantic one that we'd like. Yes, I will admit it would be nice to have that with him, but it just seemed that everything we had revolved around questions and the unknown.

When I had asked him to come by I had intended to talk with him, but also when I said 'hang out', I had meant it. I just wanted to have some alone time to be with Harry.

This past week as been just as difficult for me as it had been for Harry. His thoughts were obsessed with worry about the distance I had put between us after his very personal 'I love you' confession.

The truth was, I was indeed doing so. But how could I not?! I had bit him! I marked him! Ok...well not me, I was smarter than that! But my wolf, she had marked him and the draw to finish the mating was so tangible that I swear I nearly took him a few nights already.

I've been running perimeter runs every night this week and every single time I saw Harry at his window or caught a whiff of his scent, my wolf, went crazy. She wants nothing more than to finish what she started.

This is why I kept it from you! I knew you wouldn't act! He's our mate! Dammit, stop denying yourself and go take him! We'll be stronger with him, we can keep him safe!


I was still pissed to know that she kept this from me. She found a way to block the mate connection and left me in the dark. On top of that I didn't know how much more of her whining I could take. Now she was playing the 'keep him safe' card. She knew if I thought it would keep him safe I would give in and let her finish. But the truth was, once it was finished, he would be in even more danger.

Others wouldn't have to get to him alone. All they would have to do was get to me.

I could feel it every time I shifted. I was growing weaker and weaker and soon I would be full wolf. Zekiel had warned me about Malphas' security, if I stayed too long top side I would lose myself to my wolf. I would lose my powers and I would lose my ability to save Harry.

"SERI?" Harry yelling pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry...spaced out there for a moment." I chuckled, trying to ease the worry in his eyes.

"Tell me what's going on? Where have you been all week? Who else could possibly be in my head and what the hell is that fucking smell?" Well, it looks like he's hit his limit.

I knew the questions would come pouring out sooner or later, I guess now is the best time. Though I wasn't really ready to inform him of my newest visitor, the source of that God awful smell that has been plaguing my house for the last two days.

"Tea? This is going to be long conversation and I want you to be comfortable while we have it." I asked. His eyes locked on mine and before I could turn to put the kettle on, he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall.


"Shhh, you said you wanted me comfortable...This is where I am comfortable." He said as he pushed the door to my bedroom open and all but threw my inside. Kicking the door close he gently pushed me back on the bed.

I stared at him wide eyed and very confused. This was a bold move and I didn't think he had it in him. My wolf was itching to get out and let him take the lead, to show us his dominance and take us. I, on the other hand, was terrified that if he tried anything I would be too weak to stop him.

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