Chapter 1 bunking off

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This is the first chapter to Chloe dingle, Emmerdale. I hope you all enjoy it.

Chloe walks into the kitchen to find her dad and step mum Moira sat at the table eating breakfast
Cain: morning Chloe
Chloe: morning dad (Chloe sits at the table)
Chloe: I'm going to be late home tonight
Cain: why?
Chloe: I'm going to town with a few mates, Catch a movie
Cain: alright but be back before 9
Chloe: yes dad (Chloe rolls her eyes)

Chloe Stands up
Chloe: I'm gonna get ready for school
Cain: alright then. Just don't take ages
Moira: yeah we need that bathroom (Cain and noida laugh)
Chloe: you two are like a pair of kids, do you know that?
Cain: no we didn't but thank you
Chloe: whatever (Chloe walks out)

Chloe walks into the kitchen with her uniform on
Cain: I'll give you a lift into school if you want?
Chloe: nah, I'll be alright, I said I would meet Lucy at the bus stop (Chloe grabs her coat and bag) see you later dad and Moira
Moira: bye Chloe
Cain: bye Chlo ( Chloe walks out)

Chloe texts Lucy
Chloe: hey, fancy bunking off today?
Lucy: yeah where shell we meet?
Chloe: at the bus stop, we'll go town
Lucy: okay, I'll be there

Chloe goes to the bus station to find Lucy
Chloe: hey
Lucy: hey so why do you want to bunk off ?
Chloe: for a laugh, we could get someone to buy us alcohol
Lucy: alright then (they get on the bus and arrive into town and they get off the bus and they see Robert)
Chloe: hi Robert
Robert: why aren't you two at school?
Chloe: fancied the day in town
Robert: oh yeah your dad will love that you bunking off to spend the day in town
Chloe: you won't tell him will you?
Robert: nah, your dad hates me anyway
Chloe: can you do us a favour?
Robert: depends what it is
Chloe: can you buy us some alcohol please?
Robert: Chloe you know I can't do that
Chloe: fine
Lucy: I'm gonna go
Chloe: you can't go now. We've just got here
Lucy: I'm sorry but this was a bad idea (Lucy walks away)
Robert: come on I'll give you a lift
Chloe: thanks (Chloe and Robert get into the car abs they head back to the village)

Chloe and Robert get out the car at the village
They see Cain
Cain: why aren't you at school?
Chloe: didn't fancy it
Cain: right you home now (Cain looks at Robert) and I'll deal with you later (Cain goes home with Chloe)

Chloe and Cain walk back in the house
Moira is sat at the table
Chloe: dad you don't need to freak out
Moira: what's happened now?
Cain: she's been bunking off
Chloe: so? It's no big deal
Cain: no big deal? I want you to do well
Chloe: Debbie turned out okay
Cain: yeah and Debbie had a baby at 15
Moira: Cain let me deal with this. Chloe why don't you want to go to school?
Chloe: because I don't
Moira: is it because your missing Debbie?
Chloe: no. Can I go now?
Moira: yep (Chloe walks out)
Cain: that girl is getting just like her mother everyday
Moira: Cain she's a kid and she's just missing her big sister
Cain: we all are but we get on with things we don't behave like she does
Moira: i know but we all deal with it in different ways. We just have to be there for Chloe, even if she won't let us be
Cain: I suppose so (Moira and Cain hug)

Chloe walks into David's shop to see David Leyla and Carly there
Carly: hey Chlo
Leyla: hang on why aren't you at school?
Chloe: because I'm not
David: why you in a mood?
Chloe: I'm not in a mood
Carly: what's wrong Chloe?
Chloe: just dad on my back
Carly: I've got something that will cheer you up
Chloe: what?
Carly: (Carly gets out cake) cake!
Chloe: no thanks, I'm not hungry
David: tell us what's wrong?
Chloe: okay fine I just miss Debbie
Leyla: she would want you to be happy
Chloe: your talking about her like she's dead (Chloe storms out)
David: nice one Leyla
Leyla: sorry I didn't mean to
Carly: let's just all be nice to her, she's obviously hurting

Chloe walks into her dads and Moira's house a man is in their talking to Cain
Chloe: dad who's this?
Man: just an old friends of your dad's, my names Michael
Cain: no we're not friends. Chloe go to your room
Chloe: no
Cain: Chloe just do it
Chloe: fine (Chloe smiles at Michael) nice to meet you Michael
Michael: you too (Chloe goes to her room) nice daughter you got. She's very pretty and a chip of the old block I recon.
Cain: just get out
Michael: it's alright I'm going (Michael goes giving an evil smile)

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