■■ Treasure

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I was not waiting for your love before. I never really get this feeling in my chest.

"Hello?" Kirstie answered, but as fast as she said that, flickers of cameras just went on and on, including the shouts of people; it were heard on the other line of the call.

It sounded like chaos.

"Hello? Mitch, what is happening?" Kirstie asked, but as soon as Mitch opened his mouth, he slipped his phone then after few cracking sounds, the call hanged.

Fucking shit, Mitchell. She cursed at herself.

She's sure that Mitch already got bodyguards around him since he sounded like he's been mobbed.

"Why Kirstie?" Jeremy held her hand. "Did something bad happen?"

Kirstie and Jeremy were in a car, hoping that they would get okay after the massive surprise proposal, reporters just appeared like mushrooms.

There were few people who knocked on the car's window so it's also a hard time for the newly engaged couple, but Kirstie is more concerned for Mitch.

She doesn't understand why but she feels guilty she wasn't there with Mitch. There was something that wants to drag her to him.

He called Mitch again but maybe the cracking sounds were his phone being stomped by people.

"Damn this." Kirstie's words slipped out of her mouth.

"What is happening?" Jeremy asked her.

"Nothing, Mitch was being mobbed like this for no reason." Kirstie replied. "The worst case is, he never got bodyguards, damn this."

Jeremy felt a little bit bad for Mitch but at the same time, he felt like it was okay. He got Kirstie by his side now. For now, Jeremy feels like he needs to be more selfish of Kirstie, setting more boundaries for people from her.

While Kirstie was stressed out about Mitch's situation, she still smiled by the flashing lights. It has been her practice everytime the paparazzi is around.

She called Scott to rescue their friend, but after she dialed him, she was startled by a person.

"Kirstie!" One reporter said. "What are your reactions about the sudden proposal?"

She just smiled and felt uncomfortable of the question. She tried hugging Jeremy's arm but... There was just something not effective with him.

It should be sending relaxation to her, the warmth should be like her shelter. There should be the spark.

How come not?

For this engagement's sake. Kirstie prayed in her mind. I love Jeremy dear God, he's too important to me so I can't just lose him. Make me love him like before, please? Amen.

"It's going to be alright, darling." Jeremy whispered and kissed her head.

Kirstie looked up to his eyes and kissed his lips. There were little sparks, but it were too little to be obviously felt. At least, there's that chance.

She picked up her phone and was left with a message which said, "I got Mitch, calling bodyguards. xoxo." T'was from Scott and she felt this sudden relief, and the feeling that it's wrong to feel it.

As soon as they got to their house, Kirstie opened the television and crossed her fingers that Mitch is safe.

"Celebrity news update!" The girl reporter gladly said in front of the camera. "Mitch Grassi of Pentatonix got mobbed in the middle of the street!" Then she fake gasped. "It rarely happens nowadays, but why not when you're a true celebrity?"

Kirstie cringed at it but she continued watching it.

Pictures of Mitch flashed at her screen which sent that mysterious feeling inside her stomach. Maybe butterflies, but who knows?

She quickly drove on hearing what the reporter was saying, "The most sassy queen is still a queen after all. Watch this."

It was the interviewer who asked Mitch what he feels after the proposal.

"What should I feel other than being happy for her?" She heard Mitch tell the paparazzi. "Why can't you be done by one question? Goodness!"

The reporter continued her reporting, "It was also caught on camera that Mitch cried after surviving the mobbing. It was really unexpected but we can't stop it, Mitch is just so irresistible, right?"

Then Kirstie turned the television off. She wanted to cry but there was something stopping her, perhaps the joy after Jeremy proposed to her.

Still, there's this urge that she needs to talk with Mitch.

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