■■ Unbreakable Smile

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unedited but published 'cause i love y'all (⌒▽⌒)♡

You'll say that I'm naïve.

Just like house of cards,
We knew that we'll eventually fail,
But we didn't take notice of each shards;
Making us prisoners of this ironic jail

Mitch tried not to divert his attention to anything but by the poem he's trying to compose. The words were not lyrics but he just got an inspiration from somewhere.

He was at a park, trying to ease his mind from all happenings. It has been three weeks since his last conversation with Kirstie, and even though it's hard, he's trying to cope with it.

He did not want any distractions that he said goodbye to Oliver and lost contact to some of his friends on the dating app since he deleted his account. He was sure of it; he needed time for himself.

He tried diverting his passion into something else, something that didn't involve Kirstie, but no matter how he tries, it always ends up as a reminder he's no longer with Kirstie.

Until this moment, the moment he waited to come, already came; he only felt empty. He might miss his older self from time to time and be tempted to go back to square one, but he's holding on to this promise to himself.

He promised himself to move on.

This is like collecting his soul up, like finding what he really is. He has been distant to everyone since day one of his moving on stage, even from Scott.

He disregarded his diet and tried loving himself more; still living healthy but not as strict as before.

It was insane how everything changed just by one snap. He is seeing Kirstie's development with her relationship with Jeremy, and he sees himself as an independent person.

Everything is afraid of changes, but it's still life.

The stage one needed the task of finding himself. Not in the arms of anyone this time, but in the arms of himself. He needed the peace of mind, the self-control.

He has been into the phase of being emotional and depressed but now, you can say that he's just tired. He decided to try to step up, since it's the closest thing to be advised if he were his own friend.

He didn't know where to start, but he's sure that he's already willing to forget, everything or anything. He did not want to be his past self anymore, and it's his final decision.

"Um," Someone's voice caught Mitch's attention. "Can I sit beside you?"

The bench was not really occupied so she could have sat down without asking.

Mitch, anyways, nodded at her and smiled.

He was wearing his glasses and he had grown a bit of his facial hair, making him seem unnoticeable. He was also wearing a coat with black turtleneck long sleeves underneath. He kept his head down all this time so no one would really notice him as Mitch Grassi.

"Hey." The girl mumbled.

Mitch thought he was only imagining things, so he kept his attention on his notebook.

"What's your name?" The girl asked him, sounding so cold. "I think I've seen you somewhere."

Mitch almost choked on his saliva and doubted if he should leave the bench or what. He only wrote on his notebook and tore out the part where he wrote.

It said, "I don't talk that much to strangers."

He kept his head down, trying not to be noticed by the girl.

"Oh." She mumbled and got a huge piece of paper as she started to draw and paint.

Mitch didn't mind her and kept writing all the words that first entered his mind.

After a while, the girl decided to speak herself again. "My name is Mint and I'm a blogger, can I ask you one thing?"

Mitch wasn't really sure if he should entertain her, but he wrote on a piece of paper a, "Sure, why not?"

The girl answered, "What does it feel like to be literally mute?"

And at that time, for the first time in three weeks, he found himself truly laughing to a worthy thing to laugh at.

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