▶■■ California Lovers

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I'll be cool with it, done with it.

Why did I start this career?

His pen greased the paper with the query that's been repeating inside of his head.

He still can't find an answer, because after all, it has been a tough journey. Now that he contemplated how far he had gone through, he suddenly wanted to quit. He suddenly wanted to exit everything.

He thought about wasted efforts, wasted fans, people's hearts that he knew he touched, the tears he knows he's the reason, and he thought of himself.

Is he still happy with it?

Yes, surely he is, but what caused him to think like this? Is he wanting to escape something?

No, he only wanted a reason.

To stay.

He also wanted to know why he desired a breakout from his privacy. He wants to know why he would desperately want this. Is it only for the fame? Only to share his uncommon talent?



Because he wanted to spread happiness and positivity.

How could he do it now? He's not happy with himself, he knows that he needs rest. He needs support. But he's afraid; afraid of collapsing the hearts of the people.

He has built many confidence out of people, and going out that he doesn't have confidence for himself right now is not going to help. Even though his presence is severed by insecurities, he needs to hold on.

Life is not full of moments where we can indulge every second of it. It is with misery and challenges if we choose the right way. We might end up battling with ourselves, ending up in circles of confusion.

He's experiencing it at the moment, and this is it, the moment of truth.

It is up to him what way he should choose; the right or the wrong way.

He has been fooling around since the day he decided to fall. Now is the only time he took for realization; realizing that in able to find oneself, you need to rise, not to fall.

There's only one place that an individual must fall in able to be raised up.

Mitch didn't know if he'll do this right. He's not ready. He's been reading Mint's blog about it, and he wanted to force himself to lay down his heart and be humble.

His foolish pride only gets in the way. Whenever he thinks of it, he wanted to approach and get a guide. He wanted a guide so badly.

His breaking heart won't take it any longer. He knows he needs help; an abundant rescue.

Maybe tomorrow or sooner, he will try on changing his appearance first, like Mint's several episode of putting on hair dye. She stated in her blog that it was helpful for her, seeing herself in a different image.

Candice also recommended him to do so, but he wasn't convinced enough.

Maybe he could also distract himself with helping Mint with her big insecurities and by filming Superfruit with Scott. Those were the things himself is telling him to do, and parties too.

Mint's blog and Mint herself has really a huge effect on Mitch as he knows that all these things are only temporary. He also knew that hell is a real place and heaven is not where you'll always end up. He knew that he needs to get some things straight and right.

Mint is a brave woman. He thought.

She knows what she is doing, and it amazes him how she could do this some kind of thing. Maybe this is her passion is all about, and she's happy with herself even though sometimes she receives hate.

She said that it's hard to cope with it, considering that she has an illness. But thanks to some of her friends, they help her.

As for Mitch, what should he do now?

To see where this would take him.

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