Chapter 51

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(Chelsea's POV)

I woke up this morning in the movie room with Hayes laying next to me.

"Good morning beautiful." He winked.

"Good morning cutie." I smiled.

"I made breakfast!" He exclaimed.

"Hayes Grier cooked food!" I joked.

"Hey, only for you." He smirked.

He handed me a plate with waffles covered in peanut butter, strawberries, and bananas and a side of cheesy eggs. We sat downstairs eating and talking for awhile. I had a nail appointment and hair appointment with the girls at 2:30. Homecoming was at 7 and I was actually getting really excited. Hayes and I layed in bed for awhile and ended up watching a movie and falling asleep. We woke up at 1:30 and went upstairs. Everyone was laying down watching tv. Macy, Bella, and I all got up and threw on clothes, we decided to wait to do our makeup. We all went out to lunch together, at 2:15 the guys left and we went to the salon. At 4:45 we were all done, we payed and drove back to the house. We all went upstairs to do our makeup and charge our phones. At 5:30 we had our makeup on and dang we looked good. We put our dresses on and took some pictures together. I had to go downstairs to grab some water, I was pretty sure the guys were getting ready still. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"My bestfrandd looking fly!!" Johnson exclaimed.

"The girls are gonna be all over you!" I laughed.

"Oh C, come here!" He said hugging me.

"I'm gonna go upstairs, if anyone asked you didn't see me!" I laughed going up the stairs with water.

We had to go to Tori's house for pictures and I was super nervous. The limo showed up and the girls and I all walked down the stairs. The guys were standing outside. Macy and Bella walked out of the house and I saw them run into the guys arms. I heard Johnson walking around so I decided to go talk to him.

"Hey jack! What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm just really nervous, to perform and everything. Plus, you guys have dates and I'm gonna be all alone." He sighed.

"Awh, you're gonna do great Johnson don't worry about it! And the relationships are mainly drama, you'll find your girl Johnson." I said hugging him.

"What would I do without you C? I love you. Hayes is one lucky man." He smiled.

No Johnson didn't like me like that, we were just like brother/sister.

Jack said he'd meet me outside because he had to go to the bathroom. I saw Hayes taking videos and pictures with the guys while Macy and Bella took pictures too. I took a deep breath, opened the door and walked outside. Hayes looked at me and his jaw dropped. He ran up to me pick me up and spun me around.

"Gorgeous C." He smiled.

"Thanks Grier." I replied looking at him.

Jack came out and we were on our way to Tori's house.

We pulled up to a brick house with tons of cars parked outside of it. We all got out of the car and walked up to the house together. This girl ran up to the guys who I'm guessing was Tori. She looked at us and rolled her eyes, we haven't even talked her and she's already giving us an attitude.

About 30 minutes later we were getting pictures, we haven't got to hangout with the guys at all. Every girl there was all over them and flirting with them. Us 3 girls sat by ourselves, none of the girls wanted to talk to us. Everyone got lined up on the stairs and tori made Bella, Macy, and I all take pictures with everyone's phones. She didn't even let us in ONE picture. I was done with homecoming already and we didn't even go yet. The guys didn't even seem to care that we weren't in the pictures, they didn't care that we had to take the pictures. After pictures Macy, Bella, and I all got in the limo early, we just wanted to go back home. About 15 minutes of us all talking and going on our phones the guys walked in the limo. They all had to sit on a different side than us because we all sat on one side together. I was on my phone along with Macy and Bella we didn't want to even look at them. They were all laughing, taking pictures, and talking. I felt my phone vibrate, it was Johnson.

Bestfrandd💘- You look upset you alright?

Me- Yeah😊

Bestfrandd💘- No you're not, what's wrong?

Me- I'll tell you when we get there?

Bestfrandd💘- Okay😓 love you C!💗

Me- Love you too JJ😚

Then my phone vibrated again it was Hayes

H- You look mad.

C- I'm fine

H- Alright

Wow, the difference between Jack and Hayes is crazy. Clearly Hayes doesn't actually care about it. We pulled up to the school and the guys got out first and then we did. They met up with girls from the party while we just pretended like we didn't care and kept walking. We got in the school and sat down at tables, we didn't feel like doing anything. We saw the guys walk in with girls on either side of them. I just rolled my eyes and looked away. Johnson found me and we went outside to talk.

"So what's going on?" He asked.

"Did you not see how those girls treated us?" I replied annoyed.

"I thought you offered to take pictures." He said.

"No I didn't, and I doubt neither Macy or Bella did either." I sighed.

"SPECIAL GUESTS JACK AND JACK!!" We heard the DJ yell.

"That's my cue Chelsea! I'll see you later" He smiled jogging inside.

"Yep." I said.

We decided to watch Jack and Jack perform, we stood in the back of the gym and watched them perform. Gilinsky took the microphone after they finished distance and talked for a minute.

"Now, I've been through heartbreak like many of you here probably have. I've broken hearts and I've been heartbroken but nothing hurt worse than losing this one girl. It killed me seeing her in snapchats and Instagram pictures with my friend. I lost not only my girlfriend but my best friend. People ask me how to get over a heartbreak but for me, I never got over it. I just wrote a song, dedicated to a very special person who happens to be here tonight. Macy, this ones for you." He smiled putting the microphone back on the stand.

Jack and Jack started to sing I'm In.

"You're the girl for me and I know that
You ain't gotta cut me no slack
Go step by step take it slow, yeah
I wanna make sure we get it right
We get it right, this time." Jack sang the last lines of the song.

The light was shining on Macy and everyone had their eyes on her.

"I'm in." She smiled.

A/N: yes, now Macy and Jack are dating!!

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