Chapter Two

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I hope its going good.
It is my first novel..or any attempt at story writing.

Marcus James Reynolds

Marc unlocked the door to the penthouse and took her inside towards his room. He had shifted to this penthouse when his senior year had started. His mother was against the move but he preferred his privacy and alone time. After all he was 18 now and no longer a kid.

He reached his bedroom and put her on the bed. She was passed out.

"Hey..wake up. You wanted to use the washroom." Marc said while shaking her.

"Uhh yeahhh...pee.." she slurred.

She got up from the bed and swayed. Marc reached out to steady her but she swatted his hand away and stumbled towards the washroom. Marc stared at her retreating figure. She had an alluring figure and again Marc felt himself go stiff with desire and he growled.

He sat on the bed and waited for her. "What am I doing? I have a random girl here up in my room who is dead drunk!"Marc groaned. He never brought up girls to his room. He was not the type to have relationships. He liked his flings quick and short. But for some reason the same thoughts weren't crossing his minds when he thought about the girl in his washroom.

"Shut up Marc, you don't even know her name. Let her finish up and then take her back down" he said to himself.

The washroom door opened and she stepped out with a flask in her hand. Before Marc could go up to her and grab the flask, she emptied the contents into her mouth. She wiped her lips with the back of her hands and smirked at him. She must have had the flask in her clutch.

"Why pretty boy..never saw a girl drink before?" she asked and stumbled towards Marc.

"Hey careful! Let's go down now." He said.

"Hmmm then what's the point of me coming up here pretty boy?" she asked and threw her arms his neck.

"Listen you are drunk." He said

"Tell me something new.." she said

Now that she was speaking much Marc noticed that she was not a local as her accent was bit off. Marc also realized he still didn't know her name.

"Tell me your name and who you came with so I can take you back down to them", Marc said.

"Ahhh. .. my name...let's not spoil this shall we pretty boy. No introductions and no more speaking" she said and with that smacked her lips against Marc.

She put her everything into the kiss and her body was pressed up against his. Marc was shocked. He tried to resist but couldn't and soon he was kissing her back.

They kissed with extreme passion and despite warning bells going off in Marc's head he didn't stop and soon both were on his bed, all their clothing scattered across the floor.

" sure about this?" he asked even though he knew it was stupid asking her as she was not in her senses. He should have stopped himself.

"What I said about not talking huh?" she replied and pushed herself up against him.

Mark couldn't hold it back anymore and gave up to his desires. But soon stopped as she gasped in pain and he stilled.

"You are a virgin!" he said, shocked.

" NO! please don't stop! I want you!" she pleaded and pulled him closer.

"You are going to be the death of me", Marc whispered.

They climaxed together and lay still in each other's arms catching their breaths.

He soon felt her breathing go even and realized that she fell asleep and soon Marc also fell asleep with her in his arms.

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