Chapter Thirty

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Rabia Malhotra

Rabia didn't sleep even for a second the whole night.

"I think I might be falling for you, beautiful" His words kept replaying in her head.

"I have already fallen for you Marc" Rabia thought to herself.

Rabia was going to fly back out to NYC tomorrow morning so she had the whole day today with Jayson again.

Again they were going to meet up with Marc for breakfast and after that Rabia knew about a fairground where she wanted to take Jayson and maybe even Marc would come along.

Both Jayson and Rabia made their way to the hotel café but Marc was not there.

"Momma where is Daddy?" Jayson asked looking here and there.

"Come on pumpkin let us sit down and wait for daddy" Rabia said as she settled Jayson alongside her on the table.

15 minutes passed but still there was no sign of Marc.

Rabia noticed Jayson was getting restless.

"How about we order? Maybe daddy is busy with some work" Rabia said and immediately regretted saying it. Jayson's lower lip quivered and his eyes watered up.

"Daddy left again" He whimpered.

"No baby. Daddy is just late. He is here only in this hotel." Rabia said as she cradled Jayson in her lap and soothed him.

Rabia was somehow able to make Jay eat breakfast even though her own appetite was completely lost.

They made their way back to their room as Jay was still sulking and refused to go to the fairground.

Rabia decided to call up Marc and ask him about his absence. Just as she was about to pick up her phone it started ringing and the caller ID showed Marc's number.

"Hello Marc. Are you okay?" Rabia asked without waiting for his greeting.

"Yes I am fine. I am really sorry Rabia. I had an urgent call in the morning and I had to attend to it. There were some problems at office that needed my immediate attention. I didn't mean to stand you up. I tried reaching your phone in the morning but the call was not going through. Please forgive me." Marc said in one breath.

"It is okay Marc. I was just worried but I think you need to talk to Jay. He is pretty upset."

"Oh god. I am sorry. Give the phone to Jay please"

"Pumpkin, come here" Rabia said to Jayson who was sitting on the bed watching TV.

"It is daddy on the phone. Hurry" Rabia added

"I am not talking to daddy." Jay said while pouting.

Rabia put the phone back to her ear. "I think you heard that. You are in trouble Mr. Reynolds." Rabia chuckled.

"I guess I have to make it up to my son then. Well, talk to you later. Gotta go" Marc said and hung up before Rabia could reply.

"Good bye" Rabia mumbled to the blank screen.

An hour later the door bell went off.

"Rabia, there is a gentleman on the door asking about Jayson." Maria said.

"Who could it be?" Rabia asked as she went to see who it was.

There stood a man who looked familiar but Rabia was not able to remember his name.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Malhotra. I am Joseph, Mr. Reynolds PA. We have met before at the office" Joseph said as he extended his hand to Rabia.

"Ah yes. Mr. Smith, pleasure to see you again." Rabia said as she shook hands with Joseph.

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