Chapter Twenty

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Rabia Malhotra

Day after tomorrow was the launch of Rabia's new line of beddings and linens in LA.

Everything was done. All invites were sent out. All arrangements were made at the boutique.

This morning only Rabia had come back from LA after spending two days there. The exclusive range that she had designed herself was shipped day before yesterday and it was all put on display.

The boutique was divided into various small bedrooms and all bedrooms had décor that Rabia herself had made and designed from the scratch.

Overall Rabia was pleased at how the concept of launching her own line had turned out. It had taken a lot of hard work but in the end seeing the boutique finally completed with everything in place was worth it.

Now Rabia was sitting in her office at 9 a.m. completely exhausted from her travelling this morning and two days of completing work for the launch. However she still had to brush up some last minute details.

She was just checking upon the security details and forwarding them to Natalie who was going to stay in LA till the launch.

There was a knock on the door and Daisy poked her head in.

"Ma'am, there is an email from Mr. Reynolds himself. He is asking for your personal email address. He stated in the email he has to send a confidential file regarding the Jacksonville deal." Daisy said.

"Okay. Send him my email address." Rabia replied

Daisy nodded and left the office.

It had been six days since the dinner meeting with Marcus and Rabia was waiting for him to message her regarding to when they would meet up again to discuss the deal.

Rabia couldn't wait to tell him about Jayson.

Suddenly there was a ding on her tablet indicating a new email.

"That was fast" Rabia muttered to herself as she picked up her tablet to check the email.

It was a message from Marcus. The subject stated confidential.

When she opened the email it was a phone number.

"What the hell" she thought to herself.

She opened the reply tab and started typing.

Mr. Reynolds,

I was informed that you wanted to email a confidential file regarding the Jacksonville deal?

She sent the email and waited for a response.

The next second the reply came

Ms. Malhotra,

This is very highly confidential information. It is my personal phone number. Very few people have access to it. ;)

Rabia chuckled to herself and took out her phone and dialed his number.

"Reynolds here." Marc answered

His voice sounded so sexy over the phone and Rabia was momentarily lost in it.

"Hello?" Marc said again

"Good morning, Mr. Reynolds" Rabia said.

"Ahhh...Ms. Malhotra. You have utilized that confidential information very wisely" Marc said sounding amused.

"Thank you Mr. Reynolds." Rabia giggled.

"Oh my god. Did I just giggle like a teenager over the phone?" Rabia thought as she felt heat swarm her face.

She could hear Marc chuckling on the other end of the line.

Rabia cleared her throat and composed herself.

"Is there something of  an urgent nature that you had to disclose your personal number to me, Mr. Reynolds?" Rabia asked

"Yes there is. Actually I was wondering if you would be free tomorrow for the meeting regarding the site." Marcus asked.

"Yes I am but we would have to cut it short as my launch for the new line is the next day which I presume you are aware of as you must have received the invitation." Rabia replied

"Yes. Thank you very much for the invite."

"You are welcome. Now where would the meeting be and at what time?" Rabia asked

"Well I thought about my office but you seem to have distaste for my office hence I was wondering if it would be fine with you to come over to my place." Marc asked

Rabia was shocked. His place? Who holds business meetings in the confines of their personal space?

"Are you there?" Marc asked

"Yes. I am sorry but your place?" Rabia questioned

"Well I can cook and it would not be a bad idea if you could give your views on my cooking skills. Lets keep it for dinner at 7 p.m.?"

"I thought we were meeting for a business deal"

"Well, I personally feel that one must become friends besides being business associates. It is very healthy for future business dealings" Marc said

"Well okay if you insist." Rabia agreed reluctantly.

"Perfect. I will pick you up from your place at 6.30 p.m. If that is okay with you?" Marc asked

"No. Please don't hassle yourself so much. I will arrive by myself as it would be easier for me to return. Do text me you address." Rabia said

"Okay then as you feel comfortable. I will send you my address immediately." Marc replied.

They were silent for a few minutes.

"Well I have to go now. Have to finish some last minute paperwork. See you tomorrow." Rabia said.

"Okay. Take care Rabia" Marc said and hung up

Rabia kept the phone on the desk and smiled at it. She liked it when he said her name. It sounded exotic on his tongue.

"Marcus James Reynolds, what are you doing to me?" Rabia mumbled to herself.

She sighed and turned back to her laptop to finish the left over work.

Just to clear up on Rabia's launch.

What it basically is that she herself has designed bed sheets and curtains and other decorative items that are used in bedrooms such as lamp shades, pillow covers etc. They all are exclusive and each design has limited pieces. All the items are made from high end and the finest material available.

Overall it is like a exclusive brand of room decor.

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