Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Marcus James Reynolds

"Finally" Marc thought with relief as he held Rabia in his arms.

Marc believed that she was going to kick him out when he saw her standing there but he was relieved when she heard him out.

And now he had a chance to prove himself to her and he was not going to waste that chance with her. She was the mother of his son and she was special to him.

He also could not wait to meet up with his son.

"Rabia" Marc said as she pulled out of his embrace.

"Yes" She smiled at him and once again Marc was taken aback by her beauty. He leaned in and pecked her on her lip.

"You are beautiful" He whispered to her as he caressed her cheek.

She blushed and looked down.

"Excuse me Ma'am. Your speech starts in 5 minutes." A lady said.

"Okay thank you Daisy. I will be right there." Rabia said.

"I have to go"

Marc took her hand and walked back towards the crowd.

Rabia was on the stage giving her speech and Marc was admiring her. She was confident and graceful. Everyone in the room was listening to her. She had everyone captivated.

Soon everyone stood and clapped as her speech ended.

The section downstairs was opened and people started heading towards the display.

Marc spotted Rabia near the end of stage. He started heading towards her.

Just as he was about to reach her a brunette came running and hugged Rabia and both were laughing hard.

Marc cleared his throat to gain the ladies attention and they both broke apart.

Rabia smiled at him where as the brunette was openly staring at him.

Marc chuckled at her reaction and Rabia elbowed her.

"This is my business partner and friend, Natalie Jackson." Raba introduced her to Marc

"It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Jackson" Marc shook hands with her.

"Please just call me Natalie, Mr. Reynolds" she replied

"Well let's head down then" Rabia said and they went downstairs.

Natalie and Rabia were talking about some issue and Marc wandered further into the display.

Marc was amazed by her talent. Each bedroom was unique and he was astonished that it all was designed by Rabia. Each time she surprised him with something new.

Marc noticed that everyone was awed by her designs. He felt proud of her. She was a hardworking and dedicated woman.

Soon everything was wrapping up and people were wishing well Rabia for her further endeavors.

Marc had put in purchase for the decors of 3 of the bedrooms.

Marc noticed Natalie bidding goodbye to Rabia and heading towards her car. Marc caught up with Rabia.

"Your designs are beautiful. Congratulations." Marc said.

"Thank you." Rabia said.

"Hey...I was wondering if I could meet up Jay..." Marc asked her.

"Of course, he is your son. We can meet up tomorrow for breakfast and it is time we tell him about you." Rabia replied.

"What have you said to him about his father?" Marc asked. He was tensed. What if Jay didn't like him?

"I told him his daddy is gone to a far country for work"

"Well it is time that daddy returns back I guess" Marc said with a grin

She laughed and Marc was pleased that he could make her happy.

"Want to grab a drink?" Marc asked

"Let me just check up on Jay. Maria had taken him back to the hotel room earlier." Rabia said as she took out her phone to call.

Marc checked his watch and it was 10.00 p.m.

Marc noticed Rabia was still on the phone and he took out his phone and messaged Joseph to cancel all his meetings for tomorrow and clear his schedule for tomorrow.

"He is fast asleep." Rabia said as she put the phone back into her clutch.

"Good. Shall we then?" Marc asked

They both started walking down the street.

Marc removed his suit jacket and put it around Rabia.

"Thank you."

"Well I think we are going to make the headline tomorrow" Marc said as he spotted a few cameras flashing off to the side.

"Hope it is something good." Rabia joked.

Marc spotted a small coffee shop which was still open.

"How about coffee?" Marc asked.

"Sounds good"

They entered the coffee shop but were told that the shop was closed for the day.

The shop owner was grumpy lady and refused to listen to Marc.

Rabia was laughing throughout it and Marc joined her.

They stepped back out on to the street laughing hard.

"Why are we laughing?" Rabia asked as tears streamed down her face.

Marc stared at her as she laughed. She was like an angel, all carefree and laughing.

"I don't know" Marc whispered and Rabia stopped laughing hearing his voice.

He stared into her eyes.

He pulled her close and rested his forehead on hers.

"You amaze me" he said to her and with that captured her lips with his.

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