Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Marcus James Reynolds

Marcus was enchanted with his son. Rabia had done an excellent job raising him so far.

He was well mannered and behaved.

"Daddy?" Jay called. Every time Jay said that Marc's heart soared. He had just been with his son for a mere hour and he was already completely smitten by him. He never knew he as capable of such feelings inside him.


"Why were you gone?" he asked innocently

"I had a lot of work."

"Mommy also has loads of work. She has big files in her office but she is always at home."

Marc looked at Rabia who was sitting across from them with an amused expression on her face. She raised her eyebrow at him.

" know, your Mom handled all the work here and I had to go out." Marc tried.

"Pumpkin, eat your breakfast. Daddy is back now and will be here only" Rabia came to his rescue.

"So you will also stay at home and work?" Jay asked

"Yes. I will not go anywhere." Marc reassured him.

Marc watched as Rabia helped Jay finish his breakfast.

They soon finished and paid the bill.

"So any plans?" Marc asked as he bent down to fix Jay's cap.

"Yup. We are going to the park to play and then Jay wants to buy coloring books."

"You love to color, buddy?" Marc said to Jay

"Yes!!! Momma promised me lion king coloring books." Jay exclaimed.

"I sure did." Rabia said smiling.

They made their way to a nearby park. It was a beautiful day with sun shining.

Marc watched as Jay ran in front of them. He glanced sideways and noticed Rabia's complete attention was towards Jay.

He kissed her cheek and she almost tripped.

Marc laughed hard at her reaction.

"Marcus!" Rabia hissed.

"Yes Rabia?" He asked innocently.

"Daddy! Look cotton candy!" Jay came running back and interrupted their moment.

"Okay, come on." Marc grabbed Jayson's hand and went to get cotton candy.

He handed Jay cotton candy and paid. As they were walking back he noticed Rabia setting up a blanket underneath a tree.

"Come on you two!" She yelled signaling with her arms for them to hurry up.

The rest of the morning was spent playing Frisbee and softball with Jay and Marc had never enjoyed more than this. Soon Jay was tired and so was he so they ended their game.

Marc watched as Jay ran towards Rabia and collapsed on her lap. Rabia started tickling him and he was laughing hard.

Marc smiled at the picture in front of him.

Rabia was perfect. She was the type of woman any man would be lucky to have as his partner and Marc realized how lucky he was.

He had his family right in front of him and he couldn't have asked for more.

Marc made their way towards them.

"How about some lunch now?" Marc asked the mother and son.

"I'm hungry!" Jay said

"Okay let's go then!" Rabia said as she gathered everything.

They went to a small street café and had pizza for lunch.

After lunch they were at a Toys R' Us.

Marc and Jayson bought coloring books along with a new soccer ball and hot wheels cars and race tracks and transformers.

Jay was ecstatic and bouncing with joy. Marc bent down and placed a kiss on his head.

"Thank you Marc" Rabia whispered to him as they were checking out.

"Don't Rabia. He is my son and it is my responsibility to look after him and you."

It was evening when they came back to the hotel. Marc dropped them at the door of their hotel room. Rabia ushered Jayson in.

Marc stepped closer to her and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

He leaned in and kissed her. Not just a peck but a full passionate kiss,

He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close and she responded to his kiss and threw her arms around his neck.

They broke off for air and Marc hugged her close.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered.

Rabia stepped back and gave him a confused look.

He bent down and placed his mouth near her ear.

"I think I might be falling for you, beautiful." He whispered.

Marc straightened back up and looked at Rabia's shocked face.

He placed one last kiss on her forehead and turned to leave while Rabia stood frozen at her spot.

Before entering the elevator, Marc said "Good night beautiful! See you at breakfast!" and with that he stepped into the elevator and headed to his room.

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