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Rabia Malhotra
"I am so sorry sis" Dee said as she hugged Rabia.

"No problem. You came here and that is what matters. You helped me with most of my shopping!" Rabia said

"But..." Dee started.

"Ashish needs you back home and you need to be there for your husband and this is just a party! You are going to be my maid of honour at my wedding. Now hurry or you will miss the flight." Rabia hugged her once and Dee ran towards the departure terminal yelling that she loves Rabia.

Rabia chuckled at her cousin's antics.
Rabia had told about her engagement to Dee the next day and on the same night Dee was on a flight to New York.

They had spent a day catching up and the next few days shopping and making arrangements along with Lilly.

However last night Dee had recieved a call from her husband and there were some serious issues back home that needed attention and Dee had to fly back to India.

Rabia got into her car and made her way to Marc's office.

She needed to drop the invite to Mr.Smith and his wife for the party and also it was Jay's parent teacher meeting today so they needed to head there as well.

Rabia reached Marc's office floor and upon entering she saw Mr.Smith looking worried and pacing outside the office.

"Mr. Smith, wha___" Rabia was cut off by Marc's angry voice threatning to call security.

"Ms. Malhotra! Ms. Chloe is in there.." Mr.Smith said to her.

Rabia's temper immediately flared.
What was that no good of a woman doing in Marc's office.

Rabia marched towards Marc's office and threw open the door.

There infront of her stood that woman and Marc holding her at an arm's distance.

Chloe was wearing nothing but a jacket on top of a bra.

That shocked Rabia. How could a woman be this desparate?

The whole scene gave a wrong impression but Rabia knew that cunning woman from her previous encounter with her and she had full faith in Marc. He would never cheat on her.

"Rabia.." Marc started to explain

"" Rabia said raising her hand to silence him.

Marc's face paled.

"Ahh..we meet again. I was just giving your fiance company. He tends to get bored.."


Rabia's hand connected with Chloe's cheek leaving a nice red print.

"How can you be so cheap?" Rabia spat at Chloe

Chloe was just too shocked.

"Get out and leave us alone. If I ever see you near my fiance again, it will not do you any good. Moreover I would never believe a word you say. I have faith in Marc." Rabia warned Chloe.

Chloe glared at Rabia.

"You are going to regret this!" She yelled and stormed out of the office.
Rabia turned around to face Marc and Marc was staring at her.

"What happened, Mr. Reynolds? Cat got your tongue?" Rabia said teasing Marc as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked his lips.

"Thank you for having faith in me and trusting me" Marc said

"I love you Marcus. Please let this trust be forever." Rabia said in a quiet voice.

"I promise" Marc said and kissed her forehead

"I dont know how I got so lucky" Marc said as he caressed her cheek.

"You can thank your stars later Mr.Reynolds. We have to attend Jay's Parent Teacher Meet. Come on lets go" Rabia said and they both left the office to go to Jay's school.

It was almost half past eleven at night and Rabia and Marc were sitting on the porch.

The meeting with Jay's teachers had gone well. All had praised him and there were only minor complaints. They both were proud of their son. After the meeting they had treated Jay with ice cream.

"I think you should talk to you parents. I mean try again." Marc said out of nowhere taking Rabia completely by shock.

"I...what.." Rabia said as she turned in his embrace to face him.

"I was thinking that day after tomorrow is our party. Why dont you invite your parents? We can try. It has been so long now and now we are also getting married. Our family is complete. Your father will accept us and Jayson" Marc reasoned with her.

Rabia didnt know what to say. She wanted her parents back in life. She missed them so much but her father had refused to listen to her at all.

"But Marc..."

"We can try, beautiful."

"I know they will not listen."

"As I said...there is nothing wrong in trying"

Rabia tried to change Marc's mind but he was determined.

"Okay fine." Rabia said though her heart was now beating fast. It had been 5 years since she last contacted them, which was on Jay's first birthday.

"We will call them tomorrow" Marc said with a satisfied smile.

"No. I will go back to Chicago and meet them myself"

"However you feel is the best" Marc said as he took her back into his embrace.

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