Chapter Twenty-Six

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Rabia Malhotra

Rabia was heading towards the restroom.The launch function was turning out to be a success. People were enjoying their champagne on the terrace. The weather was just perfect.

Rabia' speech was in another 20 minutes and she was heading to freshen up. Just as she was about to turn the corner to the restroom she heard a deep husky voice. Her breath hitched.

"What is he doing here?" Rabia thought to herself

"Jayson" she heard her son say.

"That is a very nice name" Marc replied

She couldn't believe he was there talking to Jay.

"He believes me and wants to be a part of Jay's life" Rabia thought to herself and smiled

She then remembered his behavior the other night and the smile instantly vanished.

She stepped forward and came into view to see Maria taking her son away and him standing there staring at Jay's retreating back.

"He just shows up here like nothing has happened" Rabia mumbled

Marc turned around and came face to face with her.

His face split into a smile and Rabia glared back at him.

"What the hell are you doing here, Mr. Reynolds?"

"Congratulations on the launch and opening of your boutique, Ms. Malhotra" Marc said and extended his hand

Rabia felt like screaming. However she ignored him and pushed past him.

She felt a pair of strong hands grasp her from her waist and pull her back into a hard chest.

"I love your temper" He breathed into her ear.

Rabia felt her body surge with desire. She fought for control.

"There is media everywhere. Do not make a scene" Rabia said.

Marc let go of her.

"I am sorry. But please Rabia, give me a chance. Look the past is in the past. I cannot ask you to forget it because you had to go through all of it alone. But none of us can be blamed and trust me when I say that I would do anything if it was possible to go back in time and be with you through it all. Just give me one chance. I apologize for my behavior the other night. I believe everything you said but it just came to me as a shock. All these feelings I have for you and knowing about Jayson, it was all very overwhelming. I have never felt this way before and all this is very new for me. Please Rabia give me chance to make things work. We can do this together. I am not going to force you or drag you to court but we can try for the sake of our son." Marc said.

He was fumbling with his fingers.

Rabia just stared at him. She knew how he felt because it was the same way she felt about this whole situation. She also felt confused about her feeling for him. She knew she liked him and maybe even more than that. She racked her brain for a reason to say no to him but she couldn't come up with any.

Yes she was hurt with all the things he said to her but she knew he didn't mean any of it. When he apologized she could see it in his eyes that he was genuinely sorry for everything.

Rabia was also fed up with this whole thing going around in circles. She wanted to put an end to this confusion and constantly swirling thoughts.

"Yes" Rabia whispered to him.

Marc looked up at her with wide eyes and Rabia felt herself drowning in those green orbs.

"So you will give me a chance?" Marc asked slowly

"Yes Marc. I am tired of all this beating around the bush. I know we have something between us and I want to see it flourish into something more. I want to give us a chance for the sake of my son but please do not break my trust or hurt my son in anyway"

"Our son" Marc said and hugged Rabia

"I promise Rabia. I will not make you regret giving me this chance" Marc said.

Rabia somehow felt like huge burden had been lifted off her.

She somehow felt complete in his arms.

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