Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Rabia woke up feeling the warmth of arms around her torso.

She smiled and placed a kiss on her son's forehead.

Rabia sighed remembering last night. After walking out of the coffee shop they had walked around the neighborhood for some time and then Marc had dropped her off at her hotel, their hotel as Marc had also booked a room here only.

They had decided on meeting up at 9.00 for breakfast at the café downstairs at the hotel.

Rabia felt elated. Marc had made her feel special last night. She could imagine her life with him, with him always by her side. He was eager to meet their son and that made Rabia very happy.

Jay woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning sunshine" Rabia said while placing another kiss on his cheek.

"Morning" he mumbled.

"Jay I have a surprise for you, baby" Rabia said ruffling his hair.

Instantly his green eyes lit up and he sat up.

"Did you get me the coloring books?" he asked eagerly.

Rabia chuckled. "No pumpkin. Daddy is back from his work." Rabia said and waited for his reaction.

Jayson squealed and hugged his mother. "We can go with daddy to get the coloring book momma!" he exclaimed.

"Yes. Now let us get ready. We are going to meet daddy for breakfast." Rabia said.

"Will daddy stay with us at our house?" Jay asked out of nowhere

Rabia stopped what she was doing to look at her son. Rabia didn't know. They weren't there yet. They haven't even officially started dating yet.

"We will see Jay. Now come on get ready for bath"

They both were ready and headed down for breakfast.

Upon reaching the café, Rabia spotted Marc waiting by the door.

His eyes were fixed on their son.

"Momma is that daddy?" Jay said pointing to Marc.

"It is rude to point Jay and yes that is daddy" Rabia said.

Jay started running towards Marc.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed and ran into his open arms.

Marc picked up Jay and hugged him.

Rabia reached them and Marc placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning beautiful"

"Good morning." Rabia felt her face getting warm.

"I met you tomorrow" Jay said to Marc.

"Yesterday" Marc corrected Jay.

Rabia heart was going to burst with the happiness she was feeling right now. Watching Marc and Jay together, Rabia couldn't help as tears escaped her eyes.

"Hey...what's wrong?" Marc asked concerned.

"Happy tears" Rabia mumbled while wiping them away.

They made their way to a table and sat down for breakfast.

"So when are you heading back?" Marc asked as their breakfast order came in.

"We are going to be here for two days." Rabia said as she put butter on toast for Jay.

"Can daddy stay with us?" Jay asked with big hopeful eyes.

"Daddy is not going anywhere" Marc said as placed a kiss on Jay's nose.

"We will go and get coloring books!" Jay said excited.

"Yes we will" Marc said.

Rabia was watching their exchange with a smile on her face. She could not believe how her life has changed. She still hasn't told Deepika about the recent turn of event but she had told everything to Natalie and she was ecstatic.

Watching Marc being so loving and patient with Jay, she realized and accepted that she had fallen in love with him.

Yes she was in love with him.

But was this mutual between them?

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