Chapter Fifteen

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Marcus James Reynolds

Marc entered his penthouse and headed towards his room to get ready for the dinner.

He was going to be late as he got held up at the office in an important meeting.

He opened his bedroom door and rolled his eyes at the scene in front of him.

Chloe lay sprawled on his bed with a skimpy nightie that left nothing to the imagination.

"I think you did not get the note" Marc glared at her.

"Oh Darling, the flowers were lovely!" said Chloe as she came forward and put her arms around Marc's neck.

"How did you get in here?"

"Well Martha was more than hospitable" Chloe grinned at him and batted her eyelashes.

"I will have to talk to household help regarding this matter" Marc thought to himself as he freed himself from Chloe's grasp.

He headed towards his closet to get changed when Chloe pulled his arm.

"You seem to be in a hurry" she said

"Yes I have work to do unless like some people" Marc growled at her

"Touché" Chloe chuckled.

"Chloe, you can show yourself to the door and leave before I call the security. I would not hesitate escorting you down in your current outfit" Marc said to Chloe

"Found a replacement didn't you?" Chloe said to him

"Get lost Chloe" Marc said as he turned towards his closet

He heard a smash and knew his bedside lamp was in pieces. Too bad, he really liked that one.

"You are a bastard! I should have listened to Michael and gone with him rather than showing up here" Chloe yelled at him

"You are more than free to head over to his place and stay there forever" Marc said calmly as he removed his suit jacket and tie.

"I am going there after all he is much better than you in bed" Chloe spat at him.

"Leave before I do something we both are going to regret" Marc said in a low voice to Chloe.

"Go to hell Marcus!" Chloe yelled as she put on her overcoat and stomped out of his bedroom.

"And don't you even think of going to the press!" Marc yelled after her.
"I wouldn't be caught dead with you in public. As such the tabloids are questioning your sexuality!" Chloe yelled back and Marc heard the front door slam shut.

Marc's car pulled up in front of the restaurant at exactly 8 and as he got out from the car he saw Rabia getting out from her car.

She saw him and waved at him. He waved back and made his way towards her.

As he approached her he stopped dead in his tracks. Rabia looked dazzling in her simple black dress with a long overcoat. Her hair was pulled back and it defined her beautiful face even more. She looked very elegant.

"Good evening Mr. Reynolds" Rabia greeted Marc with a smile

"Good evening and call me Marc please" Marc said to her.

She smiled in response

"Shall we?" Marc said as he gestured for her to walk in.

They went inside the restaurant and were guided to their table.

Marc helped Rabia settle in her chair and put her overcoat on the back of her chair.

Marc was somewhat miffed by the fact that she did not remember him at all. It did bruise his male ego.

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