Chapter Three

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The Girl

She woke up with a terrible hangover. She looked up and saw an unfamiliar bedroom.

"God where am I?" she thought

Suddenly she felt a warm, hard body next to her.

"Oh my god! What is going on?" she thought and she turned to face the body next to her.

She gasped. He was breathtakingly handsome. Words couldn't describe him. He had jet black hair which at the moment was all over the place. His long lashes fanned his face. His facial features were flawless.

As her eyes traveled down admiring his well built chest and abs she realized he was naked. She closed her eyes and then opened to see that she was also wearing nothing. With that her brain stopped functioning.

She stood up, careful not to wake him up, grabbed her dress hastily putting it on and ran out of the room, down the stairs and out the penthouse.

She pressed the elevator button and got on. As soon as the doors closed she collapsed on the floor. "What have I done?!" she thought.

She got off the elevator and went out the hotel and hailed a cab.

She told the cabbie her cousin's address.

As soon as she entered her cousin's apartment, she was greeted with screaming and yelling.

"Where were you Rabia Malhotra!?" her cousin Deepika screeched.

"Please Dee not now." Rabia replied

Deepika looked at her cousin's anxious face. Something was not right.

Deepika and Rabia loved each other like real sisters. Their fathers were both brothers and they both were the only child to their respective parents. Deepika was 3 years older to Rabia who was 18 years old.

Both their parents had shifted to San Francisco from India in their early 20's. But Deepika's father had shifted to LA and settled there and that's where Deepika was born. Now she was living in NYC completing her bachelors. Where as Rabia's family had settled in Chicago and that's where she was born and brought up. Her father is a very successful businessman and her mother is a cardiologist. Now Rabia was accepted into an interior designing course at NYC so she had shifted in with her cousin to attend her college. Yesterday was her second day in NYC and despite Deepika disagreeing she had gone out with Deepika's friend's younger sister to her Annual NYC Dance.

Now here she was standing infront of Deepika, quivering.

"I am going to my room Dee. Talk to you later." Rabia said and headed towards her room.

"Rabia! You talk to me first what happened! I'm not going to let you go like that!" Dee yelled. She went forward and put her hand on Rabia's shoulder and with that Rabia burst out crying.

"I don't know Dee what happened!! One minute Shannon and I were enjoying and dancing and then I don't know... I don't remember anything except waking up this morning next to a guy. I lost my virginity to him Dee and I don't even know his name!!! I don't know what to do! How could I be this stupid and irresponsible?" Rabia sobbed.

Deepika just stared at her younger cousin shocked. Dee knew her cousin was very responsible and mature. She graduated high school with flying colors and her parents were proud of her. Dee knew Rabia believed in true love. For her it was going to be one and only.

"Look you go rest okay? I'll get something for you to eat." Dee said to Rabia. Dee realized Rabia needed time to gather her thought hence she left her alone for the time being.

Rabia went to her room and lay down on her bed and closed her eyes and saw his face.

How could she do this? Be this irresponsible? For crying out loud she had a one night stand!!!

Sure she had her share of relationships but they never went further than a kiss. She always believed in truly giving herself to the man whom she loved. But here she was, lying on her bed after spending a night completely drunk in the arms of an unknown man.

"Ughhhh!" she groaned.

She got up and went into the shower hoping to erase him from her memory.

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