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Rabia Malhotra
"Love, are you sure you will be okay? I will come with you..." Marc reasoned with Rabia for the tenth time.

"No Marc, let me do this on my own.

Moreover Jay needs you here and tomorrow is the party. You need to handle the last minute arrangements." Rabia explained

"Rabia, Mom can handle those. Let me come with you" Marc said in a stern voice.

Rabia sighed.

"Its a matter of few hours. I ll be leaving in an hour and I will be back by evening. Dont stress yourself. I need to be alone with my parents."

"I am not having a good feeling about this" Marc said

"You were the one who suggested this Marc"

"Okay fine. But keep in touch and call me when you land." Marc told her.

"I said dont worry. You worry so much. You will get wrinkles." Rabia teased him.

Marc growled at her in a playful manner and tackled her to the bed lightly as Rabia laughed asking him to stop.

Marc steadied his body on top of hers and looked into her eyes.

Rabia was mesmerized by his green orbs.

She lifted her head for a kiss but Marc pulled back smirking.

Suddenly Marc started tickling her and Rabia had tears streaming down her cheeks from laughing so hard.

"You are like an angel, so beautiful" Marc said as he once again leaned on top of her.

Rabia blushed and looked down while still catching her breath from laughing so hard.

Marc captured her lips for a kiss and desire surged through Rabia's body.
Soon their passionate kiss turned into pleasures of lovemaking.

"Do call me when you land." Marc told Rabia as he kissed her goodbye.

"I will." Rabia said and she turned and walked up the stairs to board the private jet.

She turned around to look at Marcus and saw him still standing there and watching

"I love you!" Rabia yelled.

"I love you too!" Marc yelled back and waved at her.

Rabia didnt understand why he was so tensed. He was the one who suggested about her parents but ever since morning Marc had been on the edge.

Rabia settled in and buckled her seat belt as the jet was about to take off.

Soon the plane landed in Chicago and Rabia's heart beat accelerated. She had left this city seven years ago and had avoided coming here ever since her fall out with her parents.
She hoped and prayed with all her heart that this time her parents accepted her.

A car was waiting for her on the runway.

"Good afternoon Maam" the driver greeted her.

"I would like to drive myself, if that is not a problem." Rabia said to the driver.

He seemed puzzled by her request but handed her the keys.

Rabia got in the car and texted Marc that she had landed. She made her way to the highway.

She knew her way well and also her house was near to the airport.
In 20 minutes Rabia was parked outside her parent's mansion.
It was 3 pm and she hoped her parents were at home.

Rabia drove to the gate and opened her window.

"Miss. Rabia?" The security man said in a shocked voice.

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