Chapter Nineteen

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Chloe Parker

Chloe was sitting in a lap of a man whom she had just met in the club. Chloe was a model though right now her career was not going so well but with her blonde hair and baby blue eyes she got by just fine by being the lover of rich men and getting lavish gifts in return.

The man, Robert, whose lap she was warming was not good looking and maybe over 50 but he was sure enough rich. Chloe was getting bored by their talks when someone caught her eye.

She saw him sitting at the bar and throwing back shots.

A smile crept its way on Chloe's face. She knew Marc was not a drinker unless something really bothered him. She had been warming his bed from the past 4 months when suddenly few weeks ago he had kicked her out. However that did not affect her.

Chloe excused herself from the men and made her way towards Marc. She put her hands on his shoulder from behind and started kneading his shoulders

"Why so tense baby?" She breathed into his ear.

Marc tensed but was too drunk to care.

Chloe missed him as his lover. No matter what she said to him, he was the best lover she had so far and she immensely enjoyed being in the sheets with him. She never developed any feeling for him because she knew he was a complete bastard. He had no respect for women and used them as objects of pleasure. He always bribes his women to keep their mouth shut in public and never goes out in public with them. Only place he keeps them is in his bed at night.

He cares too much for his public image and none of it mattered to Chloe as long as he let her be his lover.

Chloe could see how drunk he was and she was going to take advantage of that.

"Would you like me to relieve some of that stress for you?" Chloe said as she let her hand wander further down towards his chest.

Before Chloe could make any further attempt, he stumbled out his bar stool and grabbed Chloe by the waist and pulled her up against him.

"Meet me at my place in 20 minutes" He growled in her ear and pushed her back and walked away.

Chloe had no clue how he was going to reach back to his place.

She shrugged that thought away and went outside the club and hailed a taxi and headed towards his place.

15 minutes later she was standing at his door but he was not answering. Chloe assumed that he had not reached back home yet.

A minute later the elevator dinged and Marc stumbled out of the elevator.

He opened the door and dragged Chloe along with him inside. Soon his hands were all over Chloe and clothes were being ripped.

They somehow made their way to his bedroom and were soon lost in the world of ecstasy.

Few hours later Chloe woke up from her blissful sleep to Marc standing by the window and muttering something with his phone in his hand.

"Pick up Willliam." He said again and put the phone to his ear

Chloe knew William was a good friend of Marc but he was calling him so late and that intrigued Chloe so she pretended to be asleep and listened in on their conversation.

Chloe listened to them greet each other and then a few other pleasantries.

The next thing Marc said shocked Chloe. He was discussing about a woman with William, a woman whom he had apparently slept with few years ago, actually taken her virginity and again had met her and was now doing business with her. She also had a son and Marc had followed her today and saw her with another man.

Chloe was amazed. First of Marcus was actually discussing a woman with his friend, that to a one with a child. Chloe knew Marc always went for women who themselves were not serious about relationships but now the woman in discussion was a mother. Moreover Marc had followed that woman.

"Well Mr. Reynolds, you seem to be heading down the path of love" Chloe thought to herself. 

It was obvious that Marc liked this woman because he was up in the middle of the night talking about her and she was the reason Marc got drunk because he was jealous of her being with another man.

Chloe was going to block his path towards love because if he fell in love, her time in his bed would be up and his bed was like an addiction to her.

"Yes. I am going to invite her over to my place day after tomorrow at around 7'o clock for dinner." Marc said into the phone.

"That is it" Chloe thought to herself with a smirk. She knew how to completely cut off his path.

"Okay. Thanks a lot bro. It really helped. Take care." Marc said as he hung up.

Chloe felt him settle into the bed next to her but he stayed at his side of the bed.

Chloe smiled to herself as she once again fell back to sleep.

Marcus James Reynolds

Marc woke up in the morning feeling relieved. He had completely lost it yesterday after he saw Rabia with that man.

He had gone to a club and got drunk. Rest was all a haze. He had woken up at around 2 in the morning to find Chloe wrapped around his body.

Seeing her Marc had mentally cursed himself for being so drunk and stupid.

Chloe was back in his bed and he did not like that.

He needed to talk to William about Rabia.

That woman had his brain cells scrambled. He knew what he felt for her was pure lust but still he could not stop feeling possessive about her.

He had called up William and William had advised him not to get himself so worked up and simply listen to her side of the story. Maybe she was not involved with that man. William had asked him if he genuinely liked Rabia and Marc had denied it and had said that he was just attracted to her. However William had warned him to stay away from her if she was taken.

Marc chuckled to himself thinking how highly his friend thought of him.

Marc made his way downstairs towards the kitchen for breakfast and sighed in relief when he saw Chloe was nowhere in sight.

"Good Morning Marcus" Dorothy, his housekeeper greeted him.

"Good morning" Marcus replied with a smile

"When did Chloe leave?" Marc asked

"She left early morning. She seemed in a hurry" Dorothy replied

Marc nodded and started eating his breakfast.

After breakfast he got ready and left for office.

Upon reaching he asked Joseph for Rabia's PA's email address.

As soon as he got the email address, he started typing out an email to that address.

Chloe in the picture

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