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Marcus James Reynolds

Marc stepped out of the room to sign Rabia's hospital forms. Marc's heart was beating like a jack hammer.

Rabia was awake and she was well oriented. She didn't suffer from amnesia and Marc was finally able to breathe properly but there was this huge burden on his mind and that was how was he going to tell Rabia about her eyesight?

The doctor had placed a bandage around her eyes so that when she wakes she would have to keep her eyes closed. The doctor had informed Marc that he had to be careful as it would be very distressing for her.

Marc went to the nurse's station and asked for the forms.

"Mr. Reynolds" Marc heard from behind him

"Hello doctor" Marc said while trying to force a smile on his face

"Do not worry now. Her wounds are healing fine and her skull fracture will also unite without any complications. She woke up only after four days and this is a good sign. Her body is coping well with her injuries."

Marc nodded.

"Well take care" The doctor patted Marc's shoulder and left.

Marc signed the hospital forms and made his way back to Rabia's room. His parents had gone to their hotel here in Chicago as his mother's blood pressure was fluctuating due to the worry and stress.

Marc entered the room and saw that Rabia had removed the bandage from her eyes and was trying to get up.


Marc ran to her side.

"Marc...what is going on? Why can I see anything? Why is it so dark?"

Marc gently pushed her back in to the bed.

Marc looked at her and saw that her beautiful eyes were staring blankly into the space.

Marc controlled his tears.

"Don't love. You are still healing. Don't get up. You will hurt yourself." Marc said trying to keep his voice steady.

"Why is it so dark?!" Rabia exclaimed

Marc heard the fear in Rabia's voice.

"You have lost your eyesight due to the injury" Marc said and saw Rabia sink back into her pillow.

Marc stood there frozen waiting for her reaction but Rabia lay there still.

"Rabia..." Marc said as he stepped towards her and sat beside her.

"I will never see you or Jay again..." Rabia whispered as a tear escaped her eye.

Marc wiped the tear away and cupped her face with his hands.

"I will always be here by your side. No matter what. I love you." Marc said in a firm voice even though his insides were breaking into pieces seeing Rabia in this condition.

Rabia didn't reply.

" to me, love" Marc said.

Rabia lifted her hand, reaching out for Marc and Marc took her hand and placed it on the side of his face.

"I wish I could see you one last time" Rabia whispered as she ran her hand along Marc's face.

Marc closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He was now worried that Rabia was taking all this so calmly

"Rabia, you have lost your eyesight." Marc said as his voice broke.

"But I am still alive and next to you. I am grateful that I lived and still get to be with you."

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