Chapter Thirty-Two

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Marcus James Reynolds

Marc was sitting in front of his parents in their living room.

Ralph and Lilly Reynolds had just return from their vacation two days ago.

Marc was here today to tell them about Rabia and Jayson. Rabia and Jayson had travelled with him in his private jet back to NYC and after dropping them off their place, Marc had now come over at his parent's house.

Marc's thoughts drifted back to their date last night. Marc had confessed is feelings to Rabia and she had mirrored those. Marc was on cloud nine. After their dance they had gone back to the hotel, to Marc's room and the night was spent lost in the ecstasy of love making.

"Son, this is the second time you have zoned out in the past 15 minutes" Lilly said handing Marc a cup of tea.

"I..Uh...yeah.. I am sorry" Marc said

"It is about a woman isn't it?" his father said with a smirk

"Yes it is." Marc said looking everywhere but at his parents

His mother came and hugged him.
"When will I meet my daughter in law to be?" she exclaimed.

"Ma, we have only been on a date so please." Marc pleaded

"But she must be special son that is why you are telling her about us. It is not like you have never been with a woman before" his father pointed out.

"Yes she is. She is very special. She is the mother of my child, my son." Marc dropped the information without any preamble

Ralph choked on his tea and his mother looked like she was about to faint.

Marc waited for them to say something

"I am a grandma?" Lilly asked

"How old is he Marc?" his father asked composing himself

"His name is Jayson and he is 6 years old"

"Marcus what is going on?" his father demanded

Marc told them everything about Rabia and him, their one night stand, how they met again and their recent relationship.

"Well, I would love to meet my grandson" Ralph said still shocked.

"Please tell her to come over for dinner tonight and when are you getting married and have you proposed her yet? What about her parents..."

"Mom! Stop!" Marc put a halt to his mother's questions. "I have not proposed her yet. We have only known each other for less than a month. I need my time with her and our relation still needs time and Jayson also needs time to adjust. I will bring them over soon but not this week."

"What about the media?" Ralph asked. "You and Rabia are already all over the tabloids. I am shocked they still haven't got a whiff of your son."

"I will be releasing a statement to the press soon regarding Jayson and him being my son." Marc said looking at his father.

"Please Marc, today is Wednesday, call them for dinner on Saturday. I cannot wait to meet my grandson" Lilly pleaded with her son.

"Okay fine Mom. I will see if she is free for Saturday. She does have a company to run." Marc said

"What about her parents?" Ralph asked.

"They had cut ties with her when they found out she was pregnant. Her father is the CEO of Malhotra textiles. He is our business associate." Marc told his father

"Poor child. She must have faced all this alone" Lilly said with a sigh

"I am proud of her. From what you have told me Marc, she is a very hardworking and dedicated woman. You have done well my son." Ralph said smiling at his son.

Marc had feared worse but his parents had taken it all so easy. Marc had thought his parents would lecture him about being reckless and irresponsible but when he told them about Rabia, they were happy about her. They already liked Rabia and they haven't even met her yet. They were impatient to meet their grandson. Marc could see that his dad was still a little bit off about the situation but it would all be well when they met Rabia and Jay in person.

Marc planned to invite them over on Saturday as he bid his parents good bye and made his way towards his car.

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