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So sorry for the late update!

Marcus James Reynolds

Marcus fixed his hair in the rearview mirror and grabbed the bouqeut of white roses from the passenger seat.

It had been two weeks since the LA trip and Marc had not met up with Rabia once though he did have Jayson over at his place for a weekend.

Moreover his mother had not let him breathe as she was constantly calling to meet up with Rabia and Jay.

Tonight Jayson was over at Natalie's house and Rabia had invited him over for dinner.

Marc headed down the driveway and pressed the door bell. A second later Rabia opened the door and Marc like numerous times before was taken aback by her unparalleled beauty.

She was dressed in a simple pair of t-shirt and jeans but looked elegant as always.

"Glad to finally see you, Mr.Reynolds" Rabia said smiling

Marc stepped in and grabbed her by the waist to pull her in for a kiss.

"I missed you so much" he said as he placed another kiss on her head and handed her the flowers.

"Thank you and I missed you too" Rabia said as she held his hand and guided him into her house.

Marc liked how her house actually looked like a place where a family actually lived. On one side of the living room there was a box which contained all of Jay's toys. There were various magazines and story books piled on the centre table.

"Come this way" Rabia said as she headed out towards the backyard.
Marc followed her out and she lead him to a gazebo where table for dinner was set up.

"I am impressed, Ms. Malhotra" Marc said teasing her.

"You are not the only one with fancy ideas" Rabia threw back at him grinning.

The gazebo was lightened with various candles placed around it and two were placed on the table along the dinner plates and a bottle of wine.

"I love you so much" Marc said as he hugged her from behind and placed a soft kiss on her neck.

"Is that so?" Rabia said as she turned around and placed her arms around his neck.

"Yes" Marc said as he took her lips for a another kiss.

They started swaying side to side as Marc started humming a tune.

They kept on dancing as Marc kept on humming.

Suddenly the smoke alarm rang throughout the house.

"The chicken" was all Rabia said as she ran towards the house and Marc ran after her.

Rabia was pulling out a burnt chicken from the oven as Marc stepped into the kitchen

"Here goes our dinner" Rabia said as she dumped the chicken into the waste bin.

Marc opened the windows to let the burnt smell out.

"Its the thought that counts. We can have salad and macroni" Marc said he looked around trying to cheer her up.

"I wanted this night to be special" she said

"Every moment with you is special. Come on lets go eat something. I am hungry." Marc said and they headed towards his car.

Marc knew just the place.

Soon the city was behind them and Marc pulled up infront of a small restaurant. It was surrounded by a few farmhouses but besides that there was nothing except vast fields.

"This is family owned. Best pizza you can ever have" Marc said.

They stepped inside and were guided to a table.

"It is so nice here." Rabia said looking around.

"Been in the family for decades." Marc told her.

"How do you know about this place?" Rabia asked

"My brother and I used to come here" Marc said.

"Brother?" Rabia asked

"Some other time please" Marc said and Rabia nodded. Marc had not told Rabia about Ryan.

"Double cheese pizza with extra topping for the lovely couple" the waitress said as she placed their order on the table.

"This is the best pizza I have ever had" Rabia said as she chewed.

Marc smiled at her. He enjoyed the company of women who knew how to appreciate good food and enjoy it fully.

"I told my parents about us and Jayson" Marc told her

Rabia stopped mid bite.

"They want to meet you both and mother has invited you over for dinner" Marc continued.

"What did they say?" Rabia asked with worry etched all over her beautiful face.

"No, they like you and really want to meet you. Mom has been after me ever since to bring a woman home" Marc said

"I am free on saturday evening and Jay is also free from his soccer practice." Rabia agreed though she still sounded unsure.

"Dont worry. I will be there." Marc said grabbing her hand.

Rabia nodded

"Okay then" Marc said.

They soon finished and headed back.

Marc walked Rabia up to her doorstep.

Rabia unlocked her door and turned to face him.

She raised an eyebrow at him and suddenly grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into the house.

"You werent thinking of leaving were you?" Rabia said

"Never would have" Marc said as he crashed his lips against her and carried her to the couch.

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