Chapter Nine&Ten

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Somehow chapter 10 got deleted and I am not able to get it back in that order, so I have added chapter ten to nine and combined them.

Rabia Malhotra

"Hey woman! It is all going according to the plan." Said Natalie

"Yup, I just got a request to meet him up to discuss the site" Rabia said and smiled.

"Well I must say that it was a smart move" said Natalie

"I know. I just hope rest of it goes according to plan." Sighed Rabia

"Hey don't worry woman. It will be all fine. This all is fool proof." Said Natalie and hugged Rabia.

"Thanks Nat. Well I have to head out and go pick up Jay from school and I am taking rest of the day off. This headache keeps on getting worse." Said Rabia as she gathered her stuff and walked out of her office.

" the PA of the CEO of Reynolds Hotel and tell him the meeting would be at 1p.m. tomorrow at his office" Rabia told her PA as she got into the elevator.

"MOMMA!" Jay yelled and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him towards his mother.

"My pumpkin! How was your day sweety?" Rabia asked her son as she grabbed his bag and kissed his cheeks.

"It was fun momma! We made handprints on paper and then pasted them on the wall and we also learnt how to draw trengles" Jay gushed

"Baby its TRI-ANGLES" Rabia corrected her son while she buckled him in his car seat.

"TREENGLESS!!" Jay exclaimed

Rabia chuckled and got into the driver seat. She never preferred having a driver rather she liked to drive on her own.

"Okay Jay you want a happy meal?" Rabia asked her son.

"Yes Momma!" Jay said while clapping his hands.

After getting him his meal, she drove back home, her mind completely consumed with thoughts of the upcoming meeting.

She really prayed and hoped that everything went as she planned as it was crucial for all to work out well.

Rabia reached her home. After settling Jay on the dining table with his happy meal, Rabia made her way to the kitchen.

"Hello dear. How was your day?" Maria asked.

"It was ok. Please prepare me your special coffee. I don't really feel like having lunch." Rabia said.

" special coffee, stressful day huh?" Maria chuckled.

"Yup" said Rabia

"Dear you need to relax and go out more. You know what I mean" said Maria

Maria was really concerned about her employer who was more like a daughter to her. Maria had been with Rabia since Jayson was only a year old. She has never till date seen any male company in the house or Rabia mention any man in her life.

"It's fine Maria. Just tired. Please bring the coffee to my study" said Rabia as she headed towards her study.

Rabia went through papers of the deal that stated her recent purchase of the land in LA. It was right in the middle of the commercial area. It was a perfect place to open a new store dealing in designer beddings and linen.

This recent venture of hers has been a huge profit. She was glad things were working out. She knew her child's future was secured. She could provide him with everything.

Rabia had a keen sense of business despite being an interior designer. Natalie had her degree in business education and usually dealt with business related issues while Rabia handled the designing. However this time this deal was mostly hard work of Rabia as Natalie was busy in the San Francisco branch of the company which had run into some minor issues.

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