Chapter Thirteen

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Marcus James Reynolds

Marc's patience was running thin now.

He has been waiting for Benson from the past half an hour and there was still no sign of him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Benson walked through the door without waiting for Marc to reply.

"Hello Marcus" Benson greeted Marc with a wink

"You do know I have thing against people who are not punctual?" Marc glared at Benson.

"Yup I do but everything has an exception right?" Benson grinned

"Ben, show me the damn file" Marc sighed

"Here you go" Benson said while sliding the file that contained all the information on Rabia across the desk to Marc.

"Her name is Rabia Malhotra. 25 years old. She originally belongs to Chicago. Her parents are settled there but they did emigrate from New Delhi, India. Her father is Mr. Rajesh Malhotra." Ben said

"Rajesh in the CEO of Malhotra Textiles? Marc asked, as he flipped through the file.

"Yes, however Rajesh Malhotra has no mention of any child in any of his documents though however he did try to hide that he had a daughter who he had disowned 6 years ago. I failed to uncover the reason for that." Benson said.

"Hmm...He is our business associate. Have been to a few parties hosted by him. Never saw her there. I would have recognized her" Marc said.

"Ms. Malhotra has completed her entire schooling from Chicago. For her college she shifted to NYC where she was accepted for an interior designing course. She completed her studies and ventured into her own business of interior design about which I am sure you are well aware. Currently she is living alone with her son in Manhattan." Benson said

"A son?" Marc looked up from the file and stared at Benson

"Yes a son... he is..." Ben was cut short by Marc

"Is she single?" Marc asked

"Yes she is. As per recent update she has not been in any relation ever since she came into public eye after the success of her company. She does maintain a very private life. The media does not have a proper close up of her son. Only far away shots of both of them together. The function or charities that she attends, she only makes a presence for an hour or so. No scandal or anything that has been mentioned in the tabloids. Not even link ups." Benson said.

"Interesting, a CEO who works with high end celebrities with a low profile" Marc said

She was a single mother with no recent relationships. Marc guessed maybe she was not the type to settle down. After all she gave herself completely to him, who was a complete stranger to her. This is what Marc wanted. He knew what he felt for her was attraction and need to solve the mystery of who she was but nothing beyond that.

"Maybe I should just bed her again and get her out of my system. Now I know who she is so the mystery is solved" Marc thought to himself

But deep down somewhere this thought berated him that she was a mother. What if she loved the father of her child? Where is the father now? What if Benson missed out a detail?

"Ben, who is the father of the child?" Marc asked him

"There is no name mentioned under the name of father in his birth certificate" Benson replied

"She doesn't know the name of the father" he thought to himself and it kind of felt good to know.

"It is just lust" Marc rebuked himself mentally

"After all she is a very attractive woman" Marc thought

"Well thank you so much Ben" Marc said to Benson as he shook hands with him.

"Anytime Marc" Benson said as he walked out of Marc's office

Marc pushed the intercom.

"Joseph, book a table for two for dinner at Rafele, the Italian restaurant, for 8 p.m. tomorrow night. Email the PA of Ms. Malhotra the details. Meeting will be held over dinner."

"Okay sir, I will make the bookings" Joseph replied

"Also send Chloe flowers with a goodbye note" Marc added as an afterthought.

"Sure will Sir" Joseph said.

Marc smirked to himself.

Marc also had the talent of keeping his flings well hidden from public.

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