Chapter Seventeen

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Rabia Malhotra

"Hello Dee." Rabia said while waving at her tablet screen

"Hey sis" Deepika replied

Deepika had married 3 years ago to a Mumbai based businessman and had shifted to India. She was content with her life and was a full time mom to her 1 year old daughter, Noor.

"You do know it is like 1 o clock at night here?" Deepika said while looking behind to make sure Noor was still fast asleep.

"Yes I do. Look I have a little problem" Rabia said cutting straight to the topic and avoided looking at the screen.

"Is Jayson okay?" Deepika asked in a worried tone.

"Yes Jay is fine. It is me who is not."

"What happened?"

"I..ummm...gottoknowwhothefatheris..." Rabia said in one breath.

"Come again... I didn't get what you said..." Dee asked confused

"Jayson's father. I know who he is."

Deepika's shocked face filled the screen.

"He is Marcus Reynolds. The CEO of Reynolds's Inc." Rabia mumbled

"You mean Reynolds's Inc. as in the company which manages those chains of luxury hotel?" Deepika asked

"Yeah... how do you know?" Rabia asked.

"Ashish talks about them once in a while. He had finalized a deal with this company a few months ago."

"Oh okay..."

"So how did you came to know?" Deepika asked

"He was there on the front page of every daily newspaper in NYC from the past few weeks. I even met him. Twice."

"So you told him about Jayson?"

"He did not recognize me Dee." Rabia said

"Of course he would not have recognized you Rabia. You wouldn't have known his face either if you had not seen him in the morning. You were drunk and he was also drunk. He was asleep in the morning when you left." Deepika said

Rabia was shocked at Dee's reply. How could she be this stupid that she did not see the obvious?

She was so confused with all that was happening around her that she never gave this thought with a clear mind.

"What happened? Why are you so silent?" Deepika asked

"I don't know..." Rabia whispered

Rabia seemed so confused and lost.

"Hey listen sis, tell me everything from the beginning" Deepika said to Rabia

"I got to know about him from the newspaper. He had been in London from the past 6 years and this year he had come back to NYC to take over the business. I got to know his name when his picture came in the newspaper. I got to know he was interested in a site I had purchased and I played around with some information so I could meet up with him and eventually tell him about Jayson but when we met he did not even recognized me and I ran out of the meeting. Then we met up again last night for a meeting over dinner." Rabia explained.

"And how did it go?" Deepika asked

"It was wonderful Dee! He is such a gentleman and such a caring person. Moreover he respects women. I haven't seen any tabloids tagging him as a playboy. The dinner was amazing and we have decided to set a deal on this other site I own in Jacksonville" Rabia gushed to her cousin.

Rabia's eyes sparkled when she explained her meeting to Deepika and Deepika noticed that. She saw that her cousin liked this man.

"Someone has been keeping tabs on Mr. Reynolds's personal life" Deepika winked to Rabia

Rabia blushed but denied it.

"NO! I was just reading up about him. You know as a business associate." Rabia tried to explain

"Yes Rabia. It is necessary to know the relationship status in order for the deal to be successful" Deepika said rolling her eyes at her younger cousin.

"Shut up Dee!" Rabia said.

"Look Rabia, Marcus seems like a decent man. It does not matter if he remembers you or not and this does not change the fact that Jayson is his son. He has every right to know. Even if he does not believe you, you can simply ask for DNA testing. It will be a proof enough. You will have your peace of mind that you do know the father of your child and you have informed him of his son. Rest is up to Marcus whether he wants to be a part of his child's life or not. You cannot enforce that upon him. Even if he does not want to be a part of Jay's life then that also should not affect you in any way. You are a strong woman. You have handled Jayson for 6 years and you can do it for many more. Now all you have to do is tell him about Jayson. Don't over think everything. You blow everything out of proportion and blur your thoughts hence all the confusion. Be calm and everything will sort out and I am always here for you" Deepika said while leaving out the part where she observed her cousin's liking towards Marcus. Rabia needed to sort out about Jayson with Marcus first and then focus on her feelings.

"Thank you Dee. I love you so much. You have always guided me right and been my support. Love you" Rabia said

"Okay okay. I miss you too. Now I need my beauty sleep and Noor is also going to wake up soon. Take care." Deepika said yawning

"Goodnight Dee" Rabia said closing off the Skype window.

Finally Rabia had all her thoughts in the right place. She had been so focused on one aspect of the whole situation about how he did not recognize him that she did not even look at the whole situation and realize that it was only a minor detail and did not matter as it did not change the fact that Jayson was Marcus's son.

"I will tell him about Jay when we meet for the Jacksonville deal" Rabia thought to herself and hoped that it all went well.

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