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Rabia Malhotra

"Hurry up Jay! We are getting late!" Rabia yelled from downstairs.

Jay was up in his room getting his favorite car he wanted to show his grandfather.

On their last date Marc had informed her that he had told his parents about her and their son and that they wanted to meet her and Jay.

Rabia was scared. She did not what his parents thought of her and whether or not they would accept her and Jayson although Marc had assured her not to worry.

They were going to drive to his parents house as Marc was going to be arriving straight there after finishing his meeting.

Rabia adjusted her dress one last time as Jay bounded down the stairs.

"Jay, how many times do I have to tell you not to run down the stairs?" Rabia scolded her son.

"Sorry. Now hurry up mommy we are getting late!" Jay exclaimed.

Unlike Rabia, Jay was super excited to meet his grandparents. A sad feeling washed through Rabia as she realized he would never know his other grandparents.

"Okay baby, lets go" Rabia said as she grabbed her car keys.

After buckling Jay in his car seat, she typed in his parent's address into her.

Upon reaching the gates of their mansion, Rabia was glad to see Marc's car already parked there.

She got Jay out of the car and went up to ring the door bell. A minute later Marc opened the door and grabbed both of them in for a hug.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" Marc whispered in her ear.

"Wha----"Rabia was cut off as a lady came rushing towards them. Age had only increased her beauty and elegance. Her hair was light brown and her eyes were sparkling blue. She was closely followed by a man which was an older version of Marc with the same piercing green eyes.

"Oh my goodness Marc! She is so beautiful!" She gushed as she took Rabia into a warm embrace.

"I am Lilly Reynolds, Marc's mother" she introduced herself

"I am Rabia Malhotra and this is Jayson Malhotra" Rabia said as she introduced herself and Jay

Lilly picked up Jay and placed kisses on both of his cheeks.

"It is like I am 20 years back in time and holding little Marc. He was exactly the same but I would say a little less shy" Lilly laughed.

While Lilly was busy showering Jay with kisses, Marc's father came up and introduced himself.

"I am Ralph Reynolds. Please just call me Ralph. So glad to have you amongst us" He said.

"Thank you Ralph" Rabia said as she shook his hands

"Let us go and have some refreshments. Come on now" Lilly said as she went towards the living room followed by Ralph who was now carrying Jay.

Rabia realized that Jay was going to be so spoiled by his grandparents. She smiled at that thought.

Suddenly she was pulled in a hard chest.

"Marcus! What are you doing?" Rabia said as Marc pulled her behind the stairs.

"I missed you so much" Marc said as he kissed her lips passionately.

Rabia's body sang with desire and she melted into the kiss.

Their kiss was interrupted with a throat clearing.

"Oh. This is Henry, the house butler." Marc said he pulled Rabia into a side hug.

Rabia was too embarrassed to look up and her cheeks were a crimson red.

"Master Reynolds. Miss. Malhotra." The butler nodded and left.

Marc took her hand and they went to join the rest of the family.

Rabia and Marc were greeted by laughter and Rabia was shocked at the scene in front of her.

Jayson was surrounded by presents and both Ralph and Lilly were beaming at their grandson.

"I warned you" Marc said.

"He is going to be spoiled" Rabia said back

"That is what grandparents are for." Marc said "Come on, I will show you the house. I grew up here. Let them spend more time with Jay before dinner."

They headed upstairs. Along the stairs there were many framed family photos. Rabia noticed that most photos had 3 kids.

"You have two siblings?" Rabia asked.

"Yes, a sister and brother. They were twins. Elder to me." Marc said with a sad expression.

"What happened?" Rabia said as she placed her hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"They both are 8 years elder to me. My brother died when I was in second year of college. He fell to his death while climbing the Mt. Everest. My sister didn't take it well. She moved to Milan. She is a model and lives there. Barely comes over to the states." Marc said

"I am so sorry." Rabia said as she hugged him.

"It is okay. I have learned to appreciate the good memories" Marc said smiling.

Rabia placed a kiss on the corner of his lips.

"What about you? You have any siblings?" Marc asked.

"Nope, after I was born, my mom had severe complications so they removed her uterus." Rabia said with a sad smile.

"You ever tried contacting your parents?" Marc asked

"A thousand times, I begged them but they were too concerned with their beliefs and public image so they refused to talk to me." Rabia said as a tear escaped her eyes.

"Shhh...don't cry. I am here for you. You have Jayson and me. We will be the perfect family. Move in with me" Marc said.

"What?" Rabia asked shocked

"I said move in with me. I love you and I would love to have you and Jayson with me all the time. We can buy a new house near to my parents. It will have huge grounds, perfect for family. After all Jay and his future siblings will need space to run around" Marc said grinning.

"I would love to Marc. I love you so much!" Rabia hugged him and peppered his face with kisses.

Marc chuckled and hugged her tight.

"Dinner is ready, Master Reynolds, Ms. Malhotra" Henry once again interrupted them.

"Oh god" Rabia said under her breath. She was beyond embarrassed. What would he think?

Marc laughed aloud at Rabia's expression.

"Thank you, Henry. We will be there shortly" Marc said

Dinner was a delightful event. Rabia was welcomed with open arms into the Reynolds family and Lilly and Rabia bonded like long lost mother and daughter. On the other hand Jayson was the apple of their eyes .Either Lilly or Ralph were always fussing over him. Rabia knew her life was complete despite its various flaws.

Marc grabbed and squeezed Rabia's hand under the table as she noticed tears had escaped her eyes.

"Happy tears" Rabia said assuring Marc.

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