Chapter Five

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Rabia Malhotra

One month later

Rabia was well settled in NYC. She reveled in the fast paced life of NYC. Her classes were compelling and enjoyable. She got along well with her classmates. But only one thing still kept her awake at night and it was the face of that guy who she spent a night with a month ago and still was not able to forget him.

Why was she so intrigued with him? She did not have any feelings for him because she barely, no cross that, she did not know him what so ever.

However he was on her mind most of the day.

"Maybe a tiny crush...?" the though went through her mind

Rabia groaned.

"Stop it !!" she scolded herself.

She checked her phone and saw she had an hour before her first class.

She got ready and headed towards the kitchen. Suddenly the smell of coffee overwhelmed her and nausea hit her. She ran towards the washroom and threw up her last night's meal

Dee came running towards the washroom.

"Hey sis you ok??" Dee asked concerned.

"Yeah I guess it must be the stress. I have an important presentation tomorrow in class. Don't worry." Rabia assured her cousin.

"Ok then! Come on breakfast is ready! Even I'm running late for my class!" Dee said and left.

Rabia cleaned up her mouth and left the washroom.

"Okay! Rabia enough!" Dee said and she went out of the apartment.

Rabia got up from the floor of the washroom and cleaned up her mouth.

"Where did she go?" Rabia thought and headed towards the kitchen to get herself a glass of water.

After few minutes Dee returned with a plastic bag in her hand and threw it on the kitchen island.

"What is this?" Rabia enquired.

"You have been sick from the past one week. When was you last period?" Dee asked

"Uhhh..." Rabia mumbled thinking and then hit her and hit her hard. 

She was a month late for periods but due to her weekly tests and assignment load she failed to notice. How stupid of her. Then her mind put 2 and 2 together. No periods and sickness.

"No..Dee this can't be true...." Rabia gasped.

"Let's see Rabia. Take these tests and we ll see." Dee said looking solemn.

Rabia took the pregnancy kits to the washroom and after finishing the procedure, she waited for the results. 

How will she face her parents? She knew her mom and dad had high hopes of her. Her parents were also conservative to such matters. They would never accept a child out of wedlock. Rabia knew how disappointed her parents would be with her and would call her back to Chicago.

The beep went of the timer and Rabia looked at the test and there it was the little pink plus sign on both the test.

She was pregnant and there was no doubt that who was the father but the only problem was she didn't know who he was.

Dee in the picture.

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