Chapter Forty

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Marcus James Reynolds
"Russel, who was the driver?" Marc said controlling his temper.

It was 1.00 am in morning and Rabia was not back from Chicago and neither was she answering her phone.

"Sir, Ms.Malhotra had refused the driver and had driven herself" Russel replied.


"Sir, I am at the airport waiting for Ms.Malhotra." he replied.

Marc hung up the phone and threw it across the table. Marc had tried calling Rabia's parents so many times but there was no reply. He had called up Mr.Malhotra's PA but he was informed that Rajesh had not come in today.

"Sir, there is a police officer on line two." Joseph said through the intercom.

Marc picked up the phone and connected line 2.

"Hello, Reynolds here"Marc answered

"Sir, this is officer Zac Warren from NYPD. We have news regarding your fiance, Ms.Malhotra" the officer informed him.

Marc had called Benson an hour earlier and had requested him to ask his friend in police to get information on Rabia and Zac was Ben's friend in NYPD.

"I hope Benson had told you to keep this private. I dont want this to become a circus in the media." Marc said rubbing his eyes.

"Uh sir. That would be a problem. We also got the news from Chicago PD. Ms. Malhotra has been robbed. I am heading over to your office right now with the information."

Marc fell back into his chair shocked.
Robbed? Where was Rabia right now?

A minute later Zac rushed into Marc's office.

"What the hell is going on?" Marc yelled at the officer.

"Sir, we just got news from Boston PD that they discovered a female robbed and injured in an alleyway after a lady spotted her. Ms.Malhotra's car was found two blocks away parked in a supermarket parking. They found Ms. Mahotra's ID in her wallet in the car and contacted NYPD.

Marc stood up from the chair.

He was stunned.

Marc kicked the table and screamed.

"Sir, Ms.Malhotra is admitted at Central Hospital in Chicago."

Marc ignored the officer grabbed his passport holder from the top drawer of his desk and rushed out of the office building.

He got into his car and sped off towards JFK Airport. There was no point in calling his pilot as he was in Chicago and Marc could not wait that long.

He needed to be with Rabia. Tears streamed down his face as he thought about her hurt and lying in an alleyway.

Marc reached the airport and rushed in.

"When is the next flight to Chicago?" Marc askes urgently.

"Sir, the flight is boarding." The lady told her.

"One ticket. One way"

Marc took his ticket and impatiently went through security check.

People were shocked to see the top billionaire of NYC rushing through the departure terminal like his life depended on it.

Little did they know that his life actually depended on it.

Marc landed at Chicago airport and rushed out to see a driver he had called before hand waiting with a car.

"Hurry, get to Central Hospital. FAST!!" Marc yelled.

He reached the hospital in no time thanks to the driver's fast driving.
Marc ran to the desk.

"Where is Rabia Malhotra?" Marc asked

"I am sorry sir. That is a police matter. Family only." She informed in a bored voice


"Mr. Reynolds?" A police officer enquired.

"Yes. Where is my fiance?" He asked.

"This way sir. We presume that you are her only family."

"Yes. She has a cousin but she is in India" Marc replied following him

They reached the private wings.

"Sir, we found Ms.Malhotra in a grave state. She has a cut on her front and multipe stab wounds on her back."

The officer informed him as he waited for the doctor to come out of the operation theatre.


"12 stab wounds plus also a blow to the side of her head." The officer said with a grave expression.

Marc stumbled back and leaned against the wall.

"We have a lead. All four men have been identified. Police is out to get them. It seemed like nothing personal. The men are locals. Their handprints were found all over the victim's body and also the beer bottles. It was a on the spot robbery. We have forwarded the information to NYPD." The officer updated Marc.

Marc felt anger surge through his veins and saw red. He wanted to rip off their heads. Marc controlled his temper as Rabia needed him right now. He vowed to send them to hell for making his love suffer.

Marc was also confused to as what happened at Rabia's parents' house. How did Rabia end up in that part of the city that to at night.

The doctor stepped out of the OT and Marc snapped out of his thoughts as he saw the doctor.

"Family of the patient?" He asked Marc.

Marc nodded.

"Please sir, follow me to my office."
Marc followed the doctor into his office.

"Please have a seat"

"Is she going to be okay?" Marc asked in a quiet voice.

Marc felt numb. Twelve stab wounds. How could a human do such a thing?

" The condition is critical. Her skull is fractured. There is a 6 inch cut extended from her right breast to her abdomen. Also she has twelve stab wounds on her back. These were all due a broken beer bottle. So far our team has been able to remove the broken beer pieces from her wounds and stitch them. She was lucky that the stabs missed her vital organs and spine. She has lost a lot of blood. Her condition is critical but at the moment stable."

"She was not sexually assaulted right?" Marc asked as tears flowed from his eyes.

Rabia had suffered so much and he couldnt do anything about it. He should have convinced her to go with her to Chicago and this wouldnt have happened.

"No. There was no sexual assualt."
Marc let go of a breathe he wasnt aware that he was holding.

"Sir, the MRI reports are here" the nurse said as she came into the office.

The doctor took the reports and read through them.

He looked up at Marc with a serious expression.

"I was afraid this would happen when I saw her skull fracture on the CT scan." The doctor said in a grave voice.

"What is wrong?" Marc asked as his heart stopped at doctor's words.

"Ms.Malhotra has lost her vision. The fracture had compressed her vision centre and damaged it"

"WHAT?!!! NO THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE." Marc yelled as he got up from the chair.

"Call an eye surgeon. You guys can restore vision right?"Marc asked the doctor.

"That is only possible if the damage is to the eye. Her eyes are intact. The damage is to the brain. It cannot be fixed. It is irreversible damage" the doctor.

"No.." Marc whispered.

Marc felt as if his whole world had crashed and smashed into pieces.

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