Forty Seven

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I am so sorry. Final note got published before the final chapter. Fixed it now! Sorry.

Years Later
Marcus James Reynolds.

"Hey dad!"

Marc looked up from the book he was reading to see his son walking towards him to where he sat in the backyard.

"Finally decided to visit your old man huh?" Marc said as he set the book aside.

Jay sat down opposite to him.

"Come on! You are not old...yet" Jay said trying to control his laughter.

"You are twenty six and have taken over the business. What does that make me?"

"It makes you a very lucky man to retire at the age of forty four."

Marc grumbled in response.

"I visited mom today. Bought white roses for her."

"She would have liked that"

"Yes" Jay replied.

"Spill it out Jay. I am your father."

Marc said as he looked at his son. He knew Jay was here with something that was worrying him. Jay had a habit of taping his foot whenever he  was nervous.

"I bought a ring for Kate. Dad I know she is the one for me"

"So you are going to propose her?"

"No dad. I bought the ring for myself" Jay remarked sarcastically.

Marc ignored it.

"Well son, she is a lovely young women and you two seem to be deep in love. If you feel this is right then go for it."

Marc had met Kate on a numerous occasions. Jay had been dating her since his college days. She was a petite brunette with a lovely personality.

Marc really liked her and found her to be suitable for his son.

"So you are okay with this?"

"Ofcourse I am son. I feel that Kate is a wonderful young woman."

"Well thanks dad. I am going to head back now. I have to plan the proposal."

"Make it a memorable one" Marc said as Jay got up to leave.

"Sure will try"

Marc got up and grabbed a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

"Going to meet mom?" Jay asked as he pointed towards the wine bottle.

"You know our daily evening routine" Marc said and both of them went towards their respective cars.

Marc started his car and headed towards his destination.

Marc parked his car and the memories from years back came flooding back. He fiddled with his wedding band on his ring finger as he recalled his wedding day.

"You may kiss the bride"

Marc stepped forward to kiss Rabia when she fell forward into his arms and fainted.

"Rabia?!" Marc exclaimed as he caught her.

"Rabia open your eyes. Speak to me Rabia." Marc said as he gently shook her.

"Marc, we need to take her to the hospital. Now." William said.

Marc gathered Rabia in his arms and dashed towards the exit with William following.

His parents and Deepika were also following.

"Marc what happened to her?" Deepika asked, her voice laced with worry.

Marc couldnt reply. Rabia was not responding and Marc's heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Marc got into the car and William drove them to the hospital.

Marc hurriedly got out of the car as he yelled for help.

"Marc, calm down son" Lilly said even though she was also crying and barely keeping calm.

The doctors came and Rabia was rolled into the check up room.

Marc waited outside with his parents and Deepika, who was now crying hysterically.

Two hours passed but to Marc and his family it seemed like an eternity.

Finally the doctor stepped out followed by the nurse and what the doctor said to nurse shattered Marc's world forever.

"Time of death, 4.20 pm"

The nurse nodded and headed down the corridor.

Marc fell to the floor as his father ran towards him.

Marc couldnt move. It was as if he was paralyzed.

He heard the doctor telling he was sorry and couldnt save the patient as her wounds had gotten internally infected and the infection spread to her blood.

He heard his mother and Deepika cry out at the loss but he couldnt do anything.

It was like the time stood still and his heart broke into million peices in slow motion. Each crack and break pained like hell.

Marc didnt know he was yelling and crying out as his father tried to console him. After that everything was blank for Marc as he had passed out.

End of flashback.

Trying to live his life without Rabia was worse than hell but he had to, for the sake of their son.

It took time, a lot of time but eventually Marc got around better.

He came to realize that Rabia was there with him at all times as for him, she was his heart and soul. She was a part of him.

Marc learned to appreciate the good memories. He had their son Jay which was a reminder of their love.

Marc got out of his car and headed towards the cemetery.

He made his way to Rabia's grave.

"Hey there beautiful" Marc said as he sat down in front of her grave.
"Jay told me he came to visit today." Marc poured himself and her a glass of wine. He placed hers next to her grave and took a sip from his glass.

"You know, Jay is going to propose to Kate soon. Our little boy is all grown up. I told you yesterday only right? I said that I think Jay is wound up about something. It was this only. He is nervous about the proposal" Marc chuckled.

"I am so happy for him." Marc said as he removed a few scattered leaves from the side.

"I miss you so much. I wish you were here. I love you so much beautiful."

The wind blew, rustling the leaves of the trees and Marc knew that even if Rabia was not here next to him, her love always surrounded him.

After all their love was beyond forever.

The End.

(added on 18/02/2018)P.S: AN ALTERNATE ENDING HAS BEEN ADDED. However if you are not interested in that please just note that Rabia lives in that (obviously since it is HAPPY :P) and that alternate ending continues in Mr. Billionaire and his proposal so she is alive in that story. Just to clear out the confusion :)

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