Chapter Seven

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Marcus James Reynolds

"Marcus! My son I'm so very proud of you!" said Ralph as he sat across his son along with wife, Lilly in Marc's office.

"Thanks dad" Marcus smiled at his father

Finally Marc was back to NYC after spending 6 years in London. After completing his studies in 4 years he had spent two years handling the hotels in London and learning how to manage the family business.

Now his father had decided to retire and Marc had to head back and completely take over. Reynolds Luxury Hotels were 7 starts hotel based in NYC and were spread all over the world. Marc knew his father was proud of the way their family business had shaped out in the past few years.

"You know Marc, Ryan would have been proud of you", Ralph said and Marc's heartbeat skipped a beat upon the mention of his elder brother.

Ryan Anthony Reynolds was his elder brother. He was 8 years older than Marc. When Marc was in 2nd years of his business school Ryan had fallen to his death while climbing the Mt. Everest. His body was never found and the whole incident shook the Reynolds household from its core.

Their mother Lilly went into severe depression. Ralph completely devoted himself into work. As for Marcus, a man who never preferred alcohol, he completely drowned himself in whiskey and women.

Marc's entire life was thrown off track. He adored his elder brother and always looked up to him. His death shook him up.

He spent an entire year partying away and drinking. It was all put to a stop when his father visited him in London and asked him to fix it up as the future of the family business depended upon Marc's shoulder.

Marc worked hard to overcome the loss of his brother and live up to his father's expectations and today he had achieved his goal, his father was proud of him.

"My baby should settle now. Don't you think Ralph dear? Find yourself a nice woman and start a family." Lilly said to her son.

"Mom! Not again you know I don't have time for all this" Marc replied.

Marc was never serious when it came to relationships. Till date he never had a serious relationship with any women except for Cynthia with whom he thought that things would have worked out but Cynthia was not the type to settle down. He then completely gave up relationships.

"Marcus, you do know I am not getting any younger! I want to play with my grandbabies!" Lilly complained.

Ralph chuckled at the exchange between his wife and son.

"I still have to focus on the business and expand it" Marc replied.

"Expand where little brother? To outer space? It's already all over the world." Said a voice.

Marcus looked up and saw his elder sister walk into his office.

Ralph and Lilly rushed to embrace their daughter.

"Karen! My baby!!!" exclaimed Lilly and kissed her daughter.

"Mom!!" Karen whined and pretended to wipe her face.

Karen was Marc's elder sister and Ryan's twin. After Ryan's death Karen shifted to Milan and settled there permanently and started modeling. Her career was going well.

"What are you doing here?" Marc said to his sister as he got up to hug her.

"Why am I here? Well I am here to meet my little brother! I missed you so much Marcy Boy!" Karen said and pulled Marc's cheeks.

"Stop it!" Marc growled at his sister.

"I am joking. I have a project up here in NYC. Photo shoot. Will be staying only for a few days and then heading back. Even now I have to leave. Have an important meeting in an hour." Said Karen as she got up to leave.

"Take care sweetheart" Ralph said to his daughter

"Sure dad! I will drop by the house before I leave" said Karen and walked out of the office.

"Well we should also get going. Your mom and I are heading to the Bahamas for an extended vacation to celebrate my retirement." Said Ralph.

"Bye my baby and take care" Lilly said to her son and kissed his cheek.

"Bye mom and take care dad" Marc said as his parents walked out of his office.

Marcus in the picture

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