Chapter Eight

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Marcus James Reynolds

Marc was finishing up some paperwork when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" said Marc

"Good Morning Sir. I have a list of few sites that you would be interested in seeing for the upcoming project in LA." Said Joseph, Marc's PA

"Oh yes. Thank you Joseph" said Marc and took the documents from him.

Marc scanned through the list and stopped on a site which was struck off. It was a beautiful place to build up a new hotel, right in the middle of commercial area of LA.

"Why is this place struck off?" Marc inquired?

"Ummm..sir there was a mistake. This site has already been purchased by another company." Joseph replied.

"For a hotel?"

"No sir. The reason for purchase is not specified but something to do with a company launching a new line of bedding material and linens."

"Buy out this company. I want this site." Marc said and closed the documents.

Marc was not a ruthless person. He respected his employees and was generally cool tempered. But when matters came down to obstacles in his business, he was the Devil himself.

"But Sir we can't buy out this company" Joseph replied.

"And why is that Joseph?"

"Sir this company has a market worth of billions now especially after the announcement of the launch of their beddings and linens line. It will be a loss for our company."

"Go on..."

"Sir this company has had been on a rampage in the market. The market value of this company has sky rocketed in the recent times and the company is less than a few years old." Joseph said

"Okay... fix my meeting with the CEO of the company and let's see if I can persuade him to let up that space." Marc said.

"It's a 'her' Sir. The CEO is a lady." Joseph mumbled.

"Impressive", Marc replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Fix the meeting as soon as possible" said Marc dismissing Joseph.

Well this will be interesting Marc thought to himself.

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