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Six Months Later

Rabia Malhotra

The past six months had been a blur due to many new changes occuring in Rabia's life.

Rabia and Marc had celebrated Jay's sixth birthday with a grand party held at Jay's grandparents house.

A day after the party they had gone to Disneyland and it was a fun filled 4 day trip. All three of them enjoyed fully.

During the day they would take Jayson out and go on the rides and play games and during the night, Rabia and Marc spent their time on the beach.

They would talk about everything and nothing.

After returning from their trip, Marc had made a press announcement about Jayson and the media had a field trip with it but it soon died down after a few weeks as more juicy news made its way to the tabloids.

Jayson officially took up Marc's last name and was now Jayson Ralph Reynolds.

Rabia had not given him a middle name at birth so they had decided on Ralph after Marc's father.

Rabia and Marc had spent a month house hunting. They would always disagree due to some reason on every house they decided on.

Soon they found a house with which both of them fell in love with and immediately took up the offer.

It was a beautiful victorian masion with huge grounds and breathtaking gardens.

Rabia's entire focus went into designing the interiors and furnishing the entire house.

The end results were amazing and they moved into the house making it a complete home.

They soon developed a routine in which weekends were spent as a family either going out or visiting the grandparents and during the weekdays Rabia and Marc dropped and picked up Jay from school on alternate days.

Fridays were their romantic nights.
After Jay was tucked into bed Rabia and Marc cuddled on the couch with a wine and talked about their work and week.

Most of their nights were spent in passionate lovemaking and as time passed they fell in love even more.

Now six months later Rabia stood in their bedroom closet with just a towel wrapped around her.

"Are you ready yet?" Marc asked her as he entered the room.

Today Marc was taking her out on a date someplace special and Rabia wanted to look her best.

"Not yet" Rabia said pouting.

"Mom asked us to come over and stay for the weekend" Marc said as changed out of his casual polo shirt into formals.

Marc had dropped off Jay at his grandparents house for the night. Today the entire day, father and son had spent learning magic tricks on youtube and Jay was excited to show it to his grandpa.

"Pink or red?"Rabia asked as she held up two dresses.

"You look sexy in red" Marc said as he pulled her close.

"Not now please! We ll be late!" Rabia said laughing as Marc started tickling her waist.

Soon they both were ready and left the house.

"So you are still not going to tell me where we are going?" Rabia asked

"Even of you ask me a million times I am not going to tell you" Marc said smirking at her.

Rabia pouted and looked out of the window.

Soon they pulled up infront of a park.

"We are here."Marc said as he got out and opened Rabia's door.

They entered the park and Marc covered Rabia's eyes with his hands.

"It is a surprise" Marc said as he guided her further into the park.
He removed his hands and Rabia was awestruck with the sight infront of her.

It was an small area surrounded by trees. All the surrounding trees were covered with lights and in the middle a blanket was layed out with a picnic basket for dinner.

Candles surrounded the blanket.

"Marc this is beautiful" Rabia said still in awe of the set up.

They went near the blanket and Marc sat down and pulled Rabia along with her. She sat down with her back against his chest and he hugged her from behind.

The sky was filled with stars and they were shining bright.

"You know I really wanted to learn about the constellations but never got around to it." Rabia said.

" I tried learning from dad but soon figured out it was not my cup of tea" Marc said chuckling.

"It is so peaceful and quiet here" Rabia whispered.

"Mhmm" Marc said as he placed kisses along her neck.

"Want me to show a magic trick, beautiful?" Marc asked

"Not again Marc. You and Jay have gotten obessesed with them" Rabia said laughing as she remembered them yelling and screaming whenever they got the trick right.

"This one is especially for you" Marc told her.


"Yes. So please humour me" Marc said
Rabia turned around and faced Marc.
He took out a coin.

"I am going to make this disappear from my hand and make it appear behind your ear" Marc informed her.

"Okay, if you say so"  Rabia said trying to control her laughter.

"Okay here we go" Marc said dramatically as he moved his hands around like a magician.

"Tada!" He exclaimed and showed his empty hands.

"Now the best part, my lady. Watch in amazement as I make it appear from behind your ear"

Marc leaned forward and put his hand near her right ear and also placed a tender kiss on her cheek.

He removed his hand which was closed in a fist.

"You ready?" He asked


Marc opened his hand and there on his palm was a stunning 24 karat diamond ring set in a platinum band.

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