Chapter Twenty-Two

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Rabia Malhotra

Rabia ran back to her car and sat there for a few minutes.

She could not believe what just happened.

How could Marcus be like this?

It was obvious the woman was not lying. How could she have known about her and that they met six years ago? It was obvious Marcus talked to her.

She was beyond infuriated and disgusted with him.

So that night was nothing different for him.

She was just another random drunk girl whom he took to bed and forgot about.

But he did remember her. Then why did he behave as if he didn't know her at all?

She wanted to rip his head off. He was pathetic for playing women like this and he was the father of her son. She thought he was a wonderful man. She felt a tightening in her chest.

Rabia screamed and punched the steering wheel.

Maybe it was for the better if he doesn't know about Jayson. She would rather not have a father figure in her son's life than have Marcus as one.

"No I have to tell him. Even if he is a complete jerk he needs to know about Jayson. He has every right to know. It is not like he is going to want to be a part of his life" Rabia thought to herself

And she herself wanted some answers from him. If he remembered her than why did he not just confront her on the day she ran from the meeting?

Rabia took out her makeup kit from the front compartment and fixed up her makeup. She took deep breaths and composed herself.

"Two can play at this game." She thought to herself and walked out of the car.

Rabia reached the door of his penthouse and pressed the buzzer.

A minute later he opened the door and stood there in all his glory. He was wearing a black pant with a grey shirt. The shirt was not tucked in. His sleeves were rolled up showing his well built forearms and the top three buttons of his shirt were undone. He looked damn sexy.

"Good evening Rabia. You look beautiful as always" Marc said as he took her hand and guided her in.

Rabia pulled back her hand.

"Good evening, Marcus. You have a lovely home" She forced a smile.

His place was a typical bachelor's home. Everything was black, grey and white.

Marc lead her towards the balcony where he had set up a table for two.

"A bit too fancy for a meeting don't you think?" Rabia said

Marc chuckled "A man can never try hard enough" he said.

He pulled out a chair for Rabia.

She sat down.

He took out two glasses.

"Would you like white or red or would you prefer something stronger?" he asked.

"Why Marcus, are you trying to get us drunk so we could have a repeat of that night?" Rabia threw at Marc.

She couldn't stand being in his company any longer. He was acting like nothing was wrong and it was just another pleasant evening.

The wine bottle slipped from his hand and fell to the floor and smashed.

"You remember that night?" Marc whispered

"Well your memory hasn't seemed to be faded with passing of six years. A little blonde friend of yours told me that you are very capable of remembering things"


"Yes Chloe and I might add she seemed very satisfied with your performance in bed. All that was lacking was a standing ovation"

"Yes I remembered, okay? I remember every single thing from that night. I wake up in the morning and you are not there! You ran away in the morning" Marc yelled at her

"I only remembered your face when I woke up in the morning. I don't recall the night at all! I was drunk! I was scared in the morning and I didn't know what to do except for leaving" Rabia yelled back

And then it hit her.

"You remember everything from the night?!" Rabia asked shocked

"Of course I do. I was not drunk!" Marc said

Rabia grabbed a glass and chucked it at him. He ducked, barely missing it.

"You asshole! You were completely sober yet you decided to take my virginity!? You decided to take me to bed!?" Rabia screamed at him

"You were throwing yourself at me! What was I suppose to do? I tried stopping you but you were hell bent on getting in bed with me. " Marc shot back.

They glared at each other from across the table.

"I tried looking for you. I really did. I went down and asked the guard at the door but you just walked away and decided to forget about it" Marc fumed at her.

"How could I have forgotten about you or that night when I have a living proof with me from the past six years?" Rabia yelled back and tears were brimming in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Marc asked her

"I am talking about your son" Rabia said as a sob escaped her mouth.

She watched as Marc stumbled forward and grasped the edge of the table for support.

He then looked up at her, his eyes were blank and ice cold.

"That bastard is not mine. You should think before you get drunk and spread your legs for the next man that comes in front of you" Marc spat at her.

That was it for Rabia. She got up and walked around the table and stood in front of Marc.


Her hand connected with his face and his face turned to one side with the impact of her slap.

"Let me get three things very clear with you Mr. Reynolds'" Rabia said in a firm voice. Her head was held high and she stared into his eyes.

"First don't you dare ever again call my son a bastard. Second even though I am sorry for myself but you were my first and only. I have never slept with any man except for you and third, my son's sixth birthday is next month, 16 March. The dance was in June. I am pretty sure an apt businessman like you can do the simple math." Rabia said as she turned around grabbed her things and walked out of his penthouse.

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