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Rabia Malhotra
Rabia tried to open her eyes but there were bandage on her eyes. Rabia groaned from the pain that she felt in her head. It was as if something had exploded in her head.

Rabia heard rustling to her side and then footsteps

"Doctor, the patient is awake"

Rabia groaned again as her head throbbed. Slowly Rabia also felt the stiffness in her back and front of her body.

"Her vitals are stable" a male voice said.

"Yes doctor" the female voice replied

Rabia realized she was in a hospital. She could smell antiseptics and also the beeping of the monitors. It suddenly all flooded back to Rabia, her visit to her parents, their refusal to accept her and the men in the alley.

"Marc" Rabia tried to speak but it barely came out as a whisper as her throat was parched.

"Marc..." Rabia tried speaking again. Her entire body pained.

Rabia wanted to remove the bandage from her eyes. She didn't like the complete darkness.

"Just a second dear, your fiancé will be here. Till then you can have some water." The nurse said as she helped Rabia with water.

Rabia gratefully drank the water.

"Nurse, what happened to me?" Rabia asked the nurse.

"Will you tell in a second dear." The nurse said and Rabia heard her exit the room.

"Hey beautiful" Rabia heard

"Marcus" Rabia said as she broke down crying.

Rabia felt Marc hold onto her left hand.

"I missed you beautiful" Marc said as he kissed her hand.

Rabia couldn't stop the tears. It was all too much for her, her parents and the drunken men in the alley.

" love. Don't cry. I am here" Marc soothed her.

"Marc, what has happened to me?"

Rabia felt Marc's grip on her hand go stiff.

"Rabia you do recall what happened?"

"Yes. I remember going to my parents' house and then I was too upset so I sat in a park and then these men came and started following me and then they..." Rabia wasn't able to complete her sentence

"Don't worry love. All four of them are in police custody."

"What did they do to me?"

"They wounded you"

"And why do I have bandage in front of my eyes. My head is also killing me and so is my body."

"You have some injuries but they will be okay with time. Don't worry my love. You should rest. I am here with you."

Rabia knew Marc was hiding something from her. Rabia could feel his grip tighten on her.

Rabia felt emotionally and physically drained. She wanted this all to be a nightmare and wake up in next to Marc in their bed. Yet she knew this was the reality. Her heart pained from her parents rejection and her body was suffering from the wounds inflicted on her by those drunken men.

Rabia felt Marc get up and place a kiss on her forehead.

"I will be back in a few minutes." Marc said and Rabia heard his footsteps leave the room.

Rabia raised her hands and took hold of the bandage in front of her eyes. It was very loosely tied and Rabia didn't feel any pain on her eyes or around it. The bandage was making her as if she was being suffocated.

Rabia pulled aside the bandage and expected to see the hospital room but there was nothing. It was still dark.

"Is the light off?" Rabia thought to herself

Rabia whipped her head to the side and immediately regretted it as pain shot down her head to her neck. Once the pain subsided, Rabia opened her eyes but still it was pitch dark.

Rabia could hear the monitor beeping but couldn't see any light coming from it. She couldn't even see any silhouettes in the darkness.

Rabia was confused. She reached up to touch her eyes and there was nothing on front of them.

"Rabia!" She heard Marc yell as he ran towards her.

"Marc...what is going on? Why can't I see anything? Why is it so dark?"

Rabia tried to sit up but felt Marc's firm hands gently push her back into her bed.

"Don't move, love. You are still healing. Don't get up. You will hurt yourself."

"Why is it so dark?!" Rabia exclaimed. Rabia was getting scared by the minute.

"You have lost your eyesight due to the injury"

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