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Marcus James Reynolds

It has been three days since the accident and Marc had not gone out of the hospital. He had been sitting next to Rabia and slept very little, in case she woke up.

But there hasn’t been any change in Rabia’s condition. Not even the slightest and due to this Marc has been on the edge.

His parents were coming in today. He had informed them last night. Natalie had been here since yesterday morning. However today she was going back to NYC to take care of Jayson while his parents came to Chicago.

“Hey Marc…you should sleep” Natalie said as she came into the room. She had checked into a hotel and had gone there for the night.

“No, I am good.” Marc said as he grasped Rabia’s hand and kept his head on the side of her bed.

“Please. Look at you. You don’t want your parents to see you like this. They are already worried about Rabia. They should not see you in this condition. You should be strong for them” Natalie tried reasoning with him.

Marc didn’t reply.

 “Well I am leaving for New York so that your parents can come here.” Natalie said

Marc ignored her and sat there caressing Rabia’s hand.

Natalie sighed and left.

Rabia was his life, his everything. She had to make it through this.

The doctor said that her body was recovering and she should be awake within a few days but every passing day was a torture for Marc. The “what ifs” were killing him and the biggest of them was “what if he had gone with her”.

Marc had also tried again reaching out to Rabia’s parents but apparently they had left for India to visit relatives the next day after they met Rabia. Marc needed to know what happened.

Suddenly his phone rang and Marc snapped out of his thoughts.


“Hello. Daddy.” Jay whimpered on the other end of the line

“Hey buddy, what happened?” Marc asked. He was worried about his son who still had no clue what has happened to his mother. Jay was with his grandparents.

“Grandma and grandpa are going today. They said Aunt Natalie will take me. Where is mommy and where are you? I want to go home” Jay said.

Marc’s heart wrenched at his son’s sad tone. Marc felt utterly helpless. He felt as if he was failing as a father and as a fiancé.

“Hey, don’t worry. Mommy just got the cold. I have bought mommy to the doctor and we will be there soon okay? Grandma and grandpa are also coming here to get injections. We don’t want you to get sick because you don’t like injections right? So stay with Aunt Natalie and we will be back soon. Okay? You are a brave boy.” Marc soothed his son.

“Okay daddy…”

“And be a good boy and take care of aunty okay?”

“Yes I will”

“Miss you buddy”

“Miss you too daddy” Jay said and hung up.

Marc sighed and rubbed his hands on his face.

He looked at Rabia who lay there so still that the beeping of the heart monitor was the only sign that she was alive.

“Hey beautiful, please wake up. I need you. I cannot do this without you. I cannot take care of our son alone. I am nothing without you by my side. Please…”Marc pleaded in a whisper with her while his eyes filled with tears.

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